Patrice P.O.V
Cash: To a party. Bring all of your friends
Me: Ok
Cash: Wear something nice to
Me: You already know 😎
Cash: Alright bye 👋
Me: Wait
Cash: Wass up
Me: Umm time, place, and are you picking us up?
Cash: Oh, @ 6:30, @ 119 Mayberry, and I'll pick y'all up
Me: Ok
End of Convo
I had texted Sasha, Zoey, and Tamiyah and told what to do. It was already 5:44. So that gives me time. I did my hygiene thang, and started to pick something out to wear. I picked out a blue and black halo dress with the matching sandals. Then I sat and watched the rest of my show.
Tamiyah P.O.V
So Patrice told me we were going to a party and I was so excited. Maybe I jus might meet the perfect dude for me. Since it's my P.O.V lets talk. I'm light skin with blue and green eyes. I have two huge wings on my back that covers. I live with my mom who is always out working. I'm 5'3 and that's pretty much the basics. I'm getting ready to go to this party. I had picked out a all red jumpsuit with my red KD'S. Then I made my way to Patrice's house.
Sasha P.O.V
Right now I'm getting dressed for this party. I hope Michael is there. You know we could do a few things!! I had picked out my true religion outfit with some sandals and am way to Patrice house.
Cash P.O.V
I'm getting ready to go get the girls. But first I have to go make this drug deal. After I did that I got pulled over by the op's.
Op: License and registration sir
I handed him the stuff. Then he searched my car. Luckily it wasn't my car it was my moms. He let me go, then I made my way over to Patrice's house.
Patrice P.O.V
He is late it's 6:45 where is he? Then he walks through the door.
Cash: Sorry I'm late
Us: Yea what ever
Me: What took you soo long
Cash: Well ladies let's get going
I know he did not jus ignore my question. We got in the car and headed to the party. When I walked in I saw everybody dancin then I seen Robin. Ew.
Cash: Come on let's dance
Me: Ok.
We started to dance.
Me: So you didn't answer my question. What took you so long?
Cash: Why you so nosie?
Me: Well I need to know
Cash: No you don't
Me: Well then I guess I'll have to go
Cash: No don't go
Me: Then tell me
Cash: Man.......... Come on
So I followed him upstairs to this room. It was really nice.
Cash P.O.V
So I told her everything that happen.
Patrice: Wow You are really stupid
Me: I know...., But can I ask you something

Thugs living life
Teen FictionWill Sasha and her friends get the boy of their dreams? Or will it be a dreamed crushed. Who knows jus read to find out.