Patrice P.O.V
I was at home watching tv with Charles late at night. Charter was upstairs in his room asleep. We was watching Set It Off and when I saw the part when they robbed the bank it made me wonder about my bank account.
Me: Charles can I ask you something?
Charles: Yea what is it.
Me: Did you go in my bank account and take my money? And tell the truth.
Charles: Ok yes I went in your bank account
Me: Why? Why would you do that I worked hard for that money? I need that money for me and my son.
Charles: I took some money cause I needed it for my college debt
Me: How much you owe them?
Charles: I owed them $100,009 I already had some money so I needed more.
Me: Your lucky it was for education and not no drugs. I'm very hurt that you didn't tell me.
Charles: I'm sorry baby
Me: It's ok
We continued to watch our movie then it went of and watched In The Hive. Then we fell asleep.
Charles P.O.V
When Trice fell asleep I waited a couple minutes to leave out. I really did use that money for drugs and the all types of clubs I went to. I'm not broke I had some money already but spent it all. I got up and left out. I pulled up to the club and seen my boys ShanShan, Trey, and Doc. I went in the club and we all got our party on.
Sasha P.O.V
I was at the club with one of my girls from school Reda. I was making my way to the bar then I saw this girl dancing all up on Charles. I took out my iPhone 5 and recorded it. Then she stopped and I sent the video to Trice. Then I saw them going to the back. I got Reda and dropped her off at home.
Me: Bye Reda
Reda: Wait..Was that Charles at the club?
Me: Yea why
Reda: He was my ex-boyfriend he cheats all the time and takes other peoples money for clubs and drugs
Me: Thanks for letting me know
Reda: Yea ok well bye
I was driving to Trice house to tell her everything.
Patrice P.O.V
I had jus woke up and Charles wasn't here. I couldn't text or call cause my phone was dead. Maybe he went to school it's only 1:00...... wait hell to the no. Where could someone be at, at 1:00 in the mourning. Then I heard a knock at the door I opened it and it was.......Sasha ok I'm confused.
Me: Umm hey girl
Sasha: Hey let me in I have some news to tell you.
Me: Ok
I let her in and turned on the lamp, and sat down on the couch.
Sasha: So where's Charter
Me: Upstairs sleep
Sasha: He's a quiet sleeper not all babies are
Me: Well yea I'm glad
Sasha: Did you hear from Cash yet?
Me: No but I go to the jail house tomorrow, to see him and I'm taking Charter
Sasha: Oh that's nice-
Me: What are you really here for?
Sasha: Well I jus came from a party and I seen Charles.
Me: Charles??
Sasha: Yea and some girl was dancing all up on him and they went to the back room.
Me: What party was this
Sasha: I don't know. Jus some random
Me; I can't believe him. Why would he do this to me. I knew something was up. Wait but he has an education or does he. Let me find out.
Sasha: Oh and I went to the party with my home girl Reda. She said he ain't no good. He takes money and really spend them on drugs and clubs
Me: So he did lie he told me it was for school
Sasha: Yea well I have to go. I'm at home again by myself alone
Me: I think you need to cut him loose
Sasha: No I'm with mom
Me: Oh ok
Sasha: Yea well I'll see you later
Me: Bye
Sasha: Bye
She left out and pulled off. Charles is a lier. I want Cash back. I went upstairs took all of Charles clothes, loaded up the grill and burned them all. I was hurt he lied to me.

Thugs living life
Teen FictionWill Sasha and her friends get the boy of their dreams? Or will it be a dreamed crushed. Who knows jus read to find out.