Zoey P.O.V
I was in the bed lying down until I heard Zaden crying. I thought someone would get him but no one did. I got up and went to his room. I took him out of bed and started doing the dishes. Someone has to clean up around here. No one was here but Zaden. I had finished the dishes and made us some cereal. I got done washed out the bowls and went to check the mail. As I checked it was jus all types of bills. One said if we don't pay the light bill by Monday our power will get cut off its only Saturday. Then another said if we don't pay rent by Wednesday we are getting evicted. Dayah ows them $5,000 worth of rent. Then it was water bills and house inspecting. But we live in a house not apartment. Well I don't know where to get five thousand dollars from. Well looks like it's the streets for us. I called my mom.
Phone Convo:
Mom: Hello
Me: Ma you know how much money Dayah owe on her rent
Mom: Uhh no
Me: Five thousand dollars
Mom: Damn how we gone come up with that type of money
Me: I don't know but Dayah behind on her rent
Mom: When it gotta be in
Me: Wednesday and light bill Monday
Mom: Ok we gonna figure somethin out. Where's Dayah
Me: I don't know
Mom: Ok well I have to get back to work. Bye
Me: Bye
How we gonna figure something out like this $5,000 is a lot of money. Then I got a text from Troy. Im jus gonna ignore it.
Sasha P.O.V
I was at the house with Ke'Miyah getting ready to look at this house with Michael.
I had on some, camo shorts with my camo half shirt and my camo vans. KeKe (Ke'Miyah) had on an all pink polo outfit, with pink sandals. We was sitting down watching tv and waiting on Michael.
Then u heard a knock at the door.
Michael: Heyy bae
Me: Heyy come in
Ke'Miyah: Daddy daddy daddy
Michael: *picks up Ke'Miyah* Hey hoes daddy's little girl?
Ke'Miyah: Good... so where we going today
Michael: Look at some houses
Sasha: Ok I got some snacks for Ke'Miyah in the car and my lip gloss
Michael: Lip gloss for what?
Sasha: Can't go know where with out it I got Ke'Miyah some too
Ke'Miyah: Yea mines taste like sprite
Michael: Girls
Sasha: Ok now let's go
We left out the door and went to the car. We got in and pulled off. To be honest i really like the North side. It's nice and quiet. Now don't get me wrong I like the ghetto go cause I'm crazy asf. I like it loud it's jus how I am. We pulled up to this big ass house. It was like 1 hour and 46 min. drive. We got out the car and looked around. I went to the back yard and seen a huge pool big enough to fit the whole crew. It had a nice yard and everything. Then I went in and looked around. Inside was also big, the living room was big and the kitchen. We went upstairs and the master bedroom had a bathroom and everything. It was a 5 bedroom house all the rooms were the same except for the master. It had a basement, and attic. I jus can't wait to decorate it. We got back in the car and went back home.
Michael: So did you like it
Me: I love it it's nice and fit for our family
Michael: Family what you mean family
Me: You know me, you, Ke, and the baby
Michael: You pregnant?
Me: No but I'm thinking about adoption
Michael: Hell no. No adoption.
Me: Why
Michael: Cause it ain't gonna look like us and the baby could look Chinese when it gets older and we ain't even know.
Me: Well how we pose to come together and be a family
Michael: Nigga is u dumb or nah. Have a baby of our own duhh.
Me: But I don't want a c-section or nothing
Michael: Well I guess this family only hold me, you, and Ke
Me: *Sighs* Fine but I'm not ready I still have school and stuff
Michael: But u wanna adopt a baby tho instead of having your own Man U must be crazy.
Me:Whatever just take me to my momma house.
Michael: We going over there anyway
Me: No me and Ke going and you can take yo ass back to the trap. I need time to think this over.
Michael: Look I'm sorry I just don't like adoption all the stu-
After that we jus drove in silence and pulled up to the house. I got Ke out the car and we went inside. Mama still ain't home.
So tell what y'all think about this Chapter.
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Thugs living life
Teen FictionWill Sasha and her friends get the boy of their dreams? Or will it be a dreamed crushed. Who knows jus read to find out.