Cash P.O.V
Man I should've known if I wanted to keep it on the down low I should've told Michael. I knew he was gonna tell his girl. And when MY BABY come I won't be able to see him/her. Right now I'm on my way to the trap house. I pulled up and seen fire everywhere this isn't good. I called the guys and they said they were on there way who in the hell could've done this? Then they all pulled up. Then we heard cop cars coming and they ran they told me to come but I could move I was stuck on some type of super sticky stuff. I told them to jus go. The police came and said I was responsible for all this mess. But I didn't do anything. They took me to jail. Then 2 days passed and I was sentenced 3 years in prison. Everyone found out. I wondered what Patrice was thinking forget it she doesn't even care about me.
Patrice P.O.V
When I heard that Cash was locked up for 3 years I didn't really care. I got someone to keep me company and that was Charles. He was in a in a gang to but I didn't care. But I need to watch the men I hang around cause he look like he beats on women. Right now I'm with Charles at my NEW apartment. I live on the east side of Chicago now. I know it's a little far from my girls and the gang but hey it's more peaceful and in not in the gang any more. This apt. is a two bedroom and the bedrooms are huge. I can't wait to find out what the gender is cause Charles is going to help me paint the rooms and decorate. He might even move in with me or I might move in with him cause his house is a mansion. But I do feel weird cause Charles is going to help me take of a baby that's not even his.
Charles: Hey Trice
Me: Hey Charles
Charles: Wassup with you?
Me: Nothing
Charles: Oh ok bet not be thinking bout Cash
Me: I'm not
Charles: Oh ok

Thugs living life
Teen FictionWill Sasha and her friends get the boy of their dreams? Or will it be a dreamed crushed. Who knows jus read to find out.