U n d e r s t a n d - m e - n o t

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     I sat on an obdiocre chair made from wood in this small house after a tired day of working. Wondering when will this tired days over ? Maybe in 10-20 years? Or maybe 'till I die? Wait, am I gonna stuck in this thing forever? Never mind. As long as I earn good money from a good work, I will do it as long as I can.
     After a good sleep last night, I woke up with a long yawn. Step up and get ready for another day in the hell. Forgot to tell you,I work as a clerk in at Staroxite.co.

     It's a small company, directed my a small and cute man called Mr. Big. Although he is small, he actually a dragon who breath fire! I'm just kidding. He is a good guy. Well, wait. How about we get back to the real story.

     A few step into the building and I was shocked by a group of blackish who arguing with the company's guard. I step closer with a bad feeling and start with," Hello, what can I help you?" They just have a glance and continue with their argument.

     So I ask the guard,"What actually happen here?". " I don't know. They  just came and maybe askin' for something that I don't even understand a word!". He replied anxiously.
      I listened to their language carefully. Fortunately,number one, I know their language, it's Tamil! And number two, I can speak Tamil fluently.

     So I ask them 'what can I help you' in Tamil. They reply, ' they want to get to their room'. Room?

      I wonder if there is any room in this office?. They say that they have book this hotel a week ago. Hotel? This is not a hotel! I think for a while what the hell they are talking about.Oh, now I understand why they argued with the guard!
      They had a small misunderstood here. They thought this place is a luxury hotel that they book yesterday, (according to what they told me). They leave with embarrassed face after I told them that they was in the wrong place. This is an office, not a hotel.

     In the rush to my office, I can't stop laughing thinking about what had happened just now. I think too much until I press the wrong button on the way upstairs.

     Hahaha. Another joke for this day.Well I think, this is a good start for my day in this hell.

                                       To be continue...


          Thank you for spending your time reading my first story...  I hope you will always continue reading my story and wait for the next chapter...

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