Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

You know, I never really knew that high school would kill friendships, but it happened. It didn't really bother me; I mean it was just half of our group leaving. I mean, it sucked, but you know, it doesn't matter. What did matter was the reason why they left. Honestly, their reason to leave was because of the stupid drama that went on. And of course, that drama was for a boy. Every single one of us had nothing to do with it, but hey, we all play a part of this story. Anyways, we all reunited on a Friday. Jade's group came to us during lunch period. I honestly don't have anything against them, only the guys, they're all players.

"So, like I was saying, the girl comes up to me and tells me I'm ugly. Like, excuse you, I already know, don't rub it in my face." Jaime said, laughing.

Jaime is one of our friends, she's super gorgeous, and she's really nice, she decided to stay with us. Jaime has long gorgeous blond hair, something she got from her dad, and she's average height, not too tall, not too short.

"No, don't say you're ugly, because you aren't! You're beautiful, and we all know that." Mickaela  exclaimed.

Yeah, that's Mickaela, she's our 'leader', and we sort of follow her around, obviously because that's what you do. She's super gorgeous, like nobody could ever top her. But she doesn't see it. She has short-ish, brown hair, and she's kind of short, but it suits her, she's kind, but tough at the same time. And when I say tough, I mean she isn't afraid to speak her mind. She has a filter, yes, but she always tells the truth.

"Yeah Jaime don't say that, you're gorgeous!" We all agreed at the same time.

Yeah we just agree, but that's only sometimes.

"Guess what guys?" Lily said, as she jumped up and down.

Lily is your average bragger, she is faker than Barbie. Everyone knows it, except her. Even her laugh is fake. She has poop colored hair. Yeah I said it, I don't like her. She brags too much, but like I always say, we never kick anyone out, and she's not really hated by anyone, but me, and maybe one of my other friends. We didn't even get to listen to her average rambling  because that was when Angie said the most shocking thing she has ever said. Angie is one of my friends that I'm closest to, the other is Mickaela. She has wavy brown hair, and she's beautiful, a lot of guys try to hook up with her, but they fail. She doesn't date every guy that comes by.

"Guys, Jade and her group are coming this way." She whispered so quietly we barely heard her.

Of course, we all turn, because it would be awkward to look as if we're stupid and blind. Mickaela turns around and stands in front of us, acting as some sort of shield.

"Hi Jade, it's a surprise seen you around." Mickaela said calmly, not trying to start anything.

"I need to talk to you, and Marie." Jade said, in a serious tone. She means business.

Marie. Yeah, that's me. Whatever she wanted to talk about caught us by surprise. But we did notice something. Wanda was crying. She never cries, and it's the truth. I have never really seen her cry.

"Okay, come on, Marie."

We followed Jade and her group.

"So, what can we help you with, Jade?" Mickaela spoke, careful not to sound rude.

"We need you to help us strategize a plan, to get revenge on Luke." Jade said, at the mentioning of Luke's name, Wanda whined.

"Why, what happened?" Mickaela asked.

"Well, as you can see, Wanda here is crying. Luke played her again, and this time to get in her pants." Jade explained.

Jade is pretty, yes, very pretty actually. If you ask me, she is equally pretty as Mickaela and Angie. She has brown hair, and she's pale.

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