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Josh smiled wide as he looked over at Tyler with a darker blue across his cheeks and nose.

"M-more people shou-ould be like you."

Josh murmured, feeling some melancholy in his chest as he thought back to his aunt.

Blue and light blue streaks ran through Josh's hair as he looked down at Christmas.

Josh set Spooky down and crouched down to pet his aunts cat delicately as pink tears brimmed his eyes.

He sat down with his back against the back of the couch as he pulled Christmas to his chest and felt a couple tears run down his cheeks.

Tyler's smile quickly dropped as he saw the boy's mood change.

He put down DJ and got a bit closer to him, reaching out his hand and placing it on Josh's shoulder, trying to comfort him even though he didn't know what was going on.

"J-Josh? What's wrong are you okay? Are you in pain?"

He asked worriedly that his wound was hurting him. His eyes widened a bit as he just now noticed the change in color of his hair.

"Your hair . . It's different."

Josh nodded as he kissed Christmas' head gently.

"I-it changes based on f-feeling."

He murmured softly, tears running down his delicate cheeks.

"I-i miss my aunt."

Josh whispered, nuzzling his face against Christmas' fur as she meowed softly and nuzzled back against Josh's head.

Tyler smiled sadly at Josh before moving in front of him and gently scooping him into his arms, picking him and Christmas up.

He took a few steps before placing the two on the couch as carefully as he could, making sure to be mindful of Josh's wounds.

He grabbed the comforter and wrapped it around Josh before leaning down to eye level and wiping his tears away with his thumbs.

"Here I know just the thing."

Tyler said softly before moving and going into the kitchen, coming out a few minutes later with a warm cup of hot chocolate. He handed the cup to josh

"This always would help me when I was feeling down."

He said sitting down next to the boy

Josh sniffles softly as Christmas stays in his lap, the boy taking the drink in his sweater paws and trying to swallow the lump in his throat.

Josh's species is very family oriented, so being away from family, losing family, is one of the hardest things to go through, and Josh was now away from everything he knew aside from the stowaway pets.

Josh's heart was so heavy that he could barely get the warm beverage to his lips with having some more tears run down his cheeks.

Tyler a bit hesitantly wrapped an arm around Josh in a side hug type manner, doing his best to try and comfort Josh.

"Is there anyway to fix your ship so you can go back and be with your family? Possibly a way to contact them?"

Tyler said a bit hopeful for the boy, the sight of the light pink tears breaking his heart.

Josh shook his head as he nuzzled his face into Tyler's chest as he let the tears roll down his cheeks.

"Y-your government thing h-has it all blocked. I-if we fall in th-they don't let us o-out."

Josh whispered as he felt his stomach turn.

"I-it's what happened to m-my aunt. Sh-she was taken b-by humans and t-tested on and- and now sh-she's gone."

And then Josh started breaking down all over again.

Tyler rubbed his back comfortingly, his stomach doing flips at the gross thought one of them getting tested on.

He closed his eyes, enveloping the boy completely and closing his eyes

"I won't let that happen to you, even if they do find you, I'll get you back, that's a promise."

Tyler whispered as he held the boy close.

Josh nuzzled his face into Tyler's chest, letting out a shaky breath as he weakly nodded and wiped at his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry for this."

He murmured, sniffling softly as he took a deep breath.

Tyler offered a soft smile to the alien boy as he rubbed circles lightly into the boys back.

"It's okay Josh, everyone goes through hardships sometimes."

He said softly.

"We'll find a way for you to get home, I'll do all that I can."

Tyler swore before his attention got turned to his fish tank that had made a small beeping sound, a reminder they needed fed.

Tyler watched with a smile as DJ made his way over to where the tank was curiously.

Josh didn't seem phased very much by the sound or Tyler's attention as he kept petting Christmas gently, sniffling a little since he'd calmed down a bit.

DJ got himself on top of the fish tank, taking cautious steps forward until he slipped through a small little hole that was for feeding.

He squeaked in surprise from falling but happily started swimming after the fish, being fine in the water since he could breath underwater as well.

Tyler laughed a little at the adorable scene.

"Looks like he likes the fish."

He commented, pointing a bit at the little guy.

He watched as DJ swam after the fish who were swimming away, startled by the foreign creature in their habitat.

Tyler thought about getting up and feeding the fish but he was tired from the weird events that'd happened this morning and all the running around.

So he decided the comforting and relaxing feeling of laying with Josh was much better.

He relaxed further into the couch and for the time being made no sign of moving.

Josh adjusted a little as he snuggled up to Tyler, trying to be careful of his stitches as he did so.

DJ had enough of his fun after one of the fish tried attacking him, crawling out of the tank and nearly falling off the edge but regaining his balance and galloping gracefully over to Josh and Tyler.

Josh was already half asleep because of his tired he, barely noticing DJ crawling into his lap.

Tyler smiled sleepily at the adorable little guy, reaching a hand out and softly petting him. He didn't plan on falling back asleep and knew he had work to do around the house but the warmth from the body snuggled up next to him was too much as his eyelids drooped shut and he fell into a peaceful sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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