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Greg Lestrade enters a stone-cold room with a metal table in the center.

He takes a seat, peering at the only other person in the room; Ann.

"Detective Ann, you should know by now how these things work. I ask you questions and you answer; be difficult and it will only get harder for you."

"Detective Inspector Lestrade, you should also know by now that I won't be a problem."

The short, almost suggestive, small-talk the pair exchanged before interrogation seemed to be playful, and formed a smirk of a smile on Ann's lips.

With the clear of a throat, Lestrade states that they should "get this over with", and Ann agrees.

He flicks a button on a recording device and slams it on the table.


"Sherlock, why aren't you going to see Ann get interrogated? You were the one who claimed that she's the killer, so you'd think that you'd want to see her admit to it, if she did do it."

"I'm busy."

"With what?"


"Work more important than seeing the person you claim is a killer admit to her acts?"

Frustrated, John walks closer to Sherlock, who is in the kitchen playing with what appears to be a different diseased hand.

"For crying out loud, Sherlock. Stop playing with corpses and watch the interrogation."

"John, I can't!" Now irritated, as well, Sherlock drops the tool that was in his hand onto the table in front of him.

"And why's that?" Now yelling, John throws his arms into the air with emphasis.

Sherlock drops to the floor.

"Really? This is childish." John kneels down to Sherlock and begins to see the uncontrollable twitching occurring and the loss of consciousness.

Now realising that Sherlock isn't messing around, he takes his pulse and curses.

Tilting the body to its side incase he throws up, John quickly calls an ambulance to get him.


Q: Did you know the victim known as Michael Birch?

A: Yes.

Q: How?

A: He was having a secret affair with me.

Q: How long did that affair last?

A: Three months.

Q: Were you at his house the time of the murder?

A: No, but I was on my way.

Q: How did you two first meet?

A: He liked clichés, so we met in a cliché of a bar. He opened up right away and by the numerous messages from his wife during our conversation, it was an amateur idea of knowing his wife didn't know where he was.

Q: You're a detective, am I right?

A: Yes; I do my own cases in my free-time.

Q: Did you know Birch was going to be killed?

A: Yes, and that's why I faked an affair with him; I wanted some insight to his life to see who it may be.

Q: So, do you know who his killer is?

A: I have a few suspects.

Q: Who?

A: Jason Smith; a co-worker of his who dated his wife in high school. Motive: jealousy, but they haven't spoken in months, so it's likely not him.

Rory O'Neill; a good friend of his, but they've had some conflict more recently because Mike had snitched to Rory's wife about an affair he was having. If you want to look into anyone, do him because it's a good possibility that Rory was going to snitch to Mike's wife about me and that could easily lead into a fight with the previous tension already.

Lastly would be Iris Campbell, Mrs.Birch's friend. Iris had a fond relationship with Michael and an affair with him before me. She found out that he was having a new affair with me and that caused some conflict between the two of them, as well.

Best bet is Rory.

Lestrade stands up from his chair and thanks Ann for being easy to work with.

"-but we need one last thing from you: your name."

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