04- Livestreams & Reddie

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Since it's our free day, Andy told us to livestream together, but Chosen and Sophia decided to go get some ice cream.
Jaeden is sleepy. We didn't get to sleep too much last night because we watched his unreleased movie, The Book Of Henry.
Finn and I loved it. I cried. Bubba made us promise not to say anything, but he did too
- Hey, Jack!- Finn screams at me
- What?
- It's LIVESTREAM time! Wyatt and Jeremy are here.
I get close to him and whisper
- Are you sure? Jaeden is sleepy
- So?
- Sleepy Jaeden means "Grumpy Jaeden"...
- It's okay. They'll get it.
- Whatever...
We all sit on the biggest couch on our apartment and go live.
- Hey, we're live now. Wohoo!- I scream.
- Welcome to the livestream!- Jeremy says, not even looking at the camera.
- Hey. People are joining
- Of course they are
Finn makes a weird sound
- Stop it- I whisper
- Ugh. You spit all over me- Jaeden complains
I start saying hi to everyone and Finn comes closer to me, but that means walking over Jaeden
- Stop it- he whispers
- Sorry
- Finn eat a banana?- I read- You're such a pretty pervert
Jeremy starts laughing
- Leave Jaeden alone?- Finn reads- He should leave us alone. Am I right, guys?
I don't even answer. I warned Finn about Grumpy Jaeden, but he didn't wanna hear me.
Jaeden looks at Finn and leaves
- Wow, Finn! Your dreams really come true.- he whispers
I look at him and Finn ignores me. He grabs my phone and reads
- Finn roast Jack.
I look at him
- Hey Jack, you are a beautiful boy...
I take my cell phone back and start talking
- Hey, guess what!? Finn looks like Miles Teller with a bad tooth implant. Am I right, ladies?
That was totally mean! Wtf! Why did I say that? Well... he kinda deserves it for treating Jaeden bad.
- Jack looks like Fred Savage- he answers
- Fred Savage is gorgeous.
Wyatt grabs the phone
- I'm gonna be in Discord if you wanna talk to me.
He leaves and suddenly, there are only three of us here.

Through the livestream, I've been reading loads of comments about me and Jack. Like JACK KISS FINN and stuff like that.
It's all pretty weird. Like... I like Jack, but people really likes us together and for some reason, that freaks me out
Jeremy grabs the phone and Jack whispers in my ear
- Go talk to J.
- Why? He's grumpy
- You know he gets grumpy if he doesn't sleep enough time. Go talk to him. He's your best friend
I get up and go talk to Jaeden
- Hey...
- Hey
- How are you?
- I'm really sleepy, Finn. People's gonna think I'm the grumpy one.
- Hey. No one thinks that. Besides, they don't even know you. We do, and we love you just as grumpy as you are.
- You know? I don't know why you're taking so long to tell Jack how you REALLY feel. You're really sweet to me when I need someone...
- It's not the same.
Jaeden looks at me and fakes a smile
- Have you seen all those comments?
- The Fack ones?
- Stop calling us Fack.
- Blame them. Not me
- It's pretty cool- I laugh- It's like FUCK. You know?
- Yeah. I got it. So why does it bother you so much?
- Because I don't wanna accept the fact I'm in love with a guy
- Why?
- I don't know. It's not easy to have a GIRLFRIEND when you're famous. Can you imagine a BOYFRIEND?
- Wow. You're going serious?
- What do you mean?
- You and Jack. Boyfriends
- Oh. I don't know. Haven't ask him yet
- You'll ask him?
- I guess...
- That's so cute!
Jaeden doesn't seem grumpy at all right now.
- You should get back. You look really smiley.
He starts laughing and goes back to the Livestream.

I put my head in Jack's shoulder. He's answering people's comments.
- Jack kiss Finn. I would kiss Finn. I would kiss Finn. I have kissed Finn- he replies
I look at the camera and just nod
- Jaeden! You're back! People is happy their Billy Boy is here
I smile
- Hi people! Thanks for joining
I grab the phone and lay in bed.
- Jack kiss Finn- I read- They are really into you two
Jack kisses my forehead and grabs the phone back
- I kissed Jaeden. How bout that?
I slap him and start laughing
- You're not supposed to do that!
- Jaeden?- Jack starts
- What?
- People is asking if you ship Fack
- Of course I do
Finn comes back and sits next to Jack. He starts reading the comments
- Jack kiss Finn?- he asks
Jack tries to kiss him but he stops him.
Jack kisses Finn's hand
- There. I kissed Finn. What are you gonna do now? Give me more suscribers?
I laugh and sit next to Finn.
- Smell Finn's shoe? You guys are creeping me out
- Why is it always about Finn?- Jack asks- Either I kiss him or I slap him. I rather kiss him and slap him at the same time
- That sounded so dirty- I whisper
Jack starts laughing
- That's not what I meant. Or was it?- he raises one eyebrow and Finn leaves again
Finally, we finish the Livestream and I go to sleep.
Wyatt and Jeremy go back to their apartment.

I walk to Finn's bedroom
- Hey.
- Hey...
- What happened to you today? Saying your fans are creeping you out? That's not very nice.
- I know, but they were. They're all into us. It's creepy
- It's not. It's pretty cute
Finn is just trying to disagree with me. He kissed me. He likes me. Why the fuck does this bothers him so much?
- You know...? You shouldn't play with people's feelings like that
- What?- he asks
- First you kiss me, then you act like nothing happened. You're confusing me, Finn. I mean, I get it. It's hard... but you should make up your fucking mind and decide yourself.
- Dude. You're swearing a lot.
- Wow. That's all you got from all the things I just said? You're definitely perfect for the role of Richie.
- Jack...
- Make up your mind.
I close the door and go right into my bedroom.
I stay there for the rest of the day.
Jaeden spends some time with me, but most of the time, I'm watching movies and studying my Eddie scripts.

Forbidden Love/ Fack/ Jyatt (Book 1) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now