29- Apologies & Motorcycles

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- Millie?
- Hey...
- What are you doing here?
- I came to apologize
- You did?- I can't help but smiling a bit
- Yeah. I found out Noah was actually the one who kissed you, but I never apologized for being an asshole all this time. I should've believed you, or at least hear what you had to say, but I didn't...
- I get it. You always had a crush on Noah, and he idea of him cheating on you with another guy just horrified you
- The idea of him using me- Millie says- I just couldn't believe my sweet Noah did that
- But he did
She nods
- I know
I look at her and fake a smile. I think it's sweet she came to apologize, but I don't know if I can actually be her best friend again. I guess I can forgive her, but that doesn't mean I FORGET what she did. I'm just gonna keep my distance for a while
- I'm sorry, Finn. That's all I had to say.
- You're forgiven, Mills
- Seriously?
- Yeah... sure
She jumps in my bed and hugs me
- Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- Why did you decide it was time to apologize?
- I found out you had a panic attack
- You did?
- Sadie said it during the other day's panel
- Sadie said a lot of things- I suspire
- She was just trying to defend you
- I know. She's a great friend...
- She is
- Do you wanna stay for a while?
- No. I actually have to run
- Where?
She laughs
- No. I'm doing some exercise. Gotta keep fit, you know?
- I should do some too
- Wanna come?
- Nah. It's kinda hot outside. I don't wanna go for a run
- Oh. Okay
- Bye Mills
- Bye, Finnie
I fake one more smile, and I keep this one until she leaves
When I hear the door closing, I call Sadie
- Finn! I was so worried! I thought you were mad
- Mad?- I laugh- Of course not. I just... something happened when I arrived home
- What happened?
- Millie came to apologize
- WHAT?- she screams
- Apparently, you inspired her
- I did?
- I don't know. Probably...
- Oh, by the way, I found out about the Losers Club spin-off. Is that true?
- Yeah. I guess I'm gonna do another Netflix show
- That's great! Isn't it?
- Yeah! It is...
- Cool. Gotta go, buddy
- Okay. See ya
- Wait! Are you going to the SAG?
- I don't know. I think I'll get sick a few days before
- FINN! You filthy liar!
- Sorry, Annie. Red carpets are not good for me
- I know. So you're gonna leave me alone with all those jerks?
- Hey, maybe Millie talks to ya
Sadie suspires
- Whatever... bye Frogface
- See ya, Annie.
A few minutes later, Jack comes back from signing the contract
- Heya! How was Josh?
I make him sit in bed with me
- I lied
- What?
- I lied to you, Jack. I wasn't going to see Josh. I was going to my first therapy session
- Therapy? Are you depressive? What's wrong?- he asks, caressing my curly hair
- No, I mean...
- Are you gonna die?
He shows his puppy eyes. He's almost crying and I didn't say anything yet
- Hey! No! I'm not gonna die! Calm down
He suspires
- My anxiety is getting worse
- God, Finn...
- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lie, but I didn't wanted you to worry about me
- Finn, I always worry about you, because I care. It doesn't matter if you are anxious or not, I'm worried about you. Always.
I bite my lip and bring Jack closer to me
- I fucking love you, Grazer

I go in the building, and sign the contract.
As I was leaving, some jerk gets in my way and I fall
- Oh my God. I'm so sorry- he says
I haven't seen his face yet, but I knew who he was
- Jaeden?
- Wyatt
- Are you here to sign?
- Yeah... after doubting for a couple of hours I made a decision
- Doubting? Why?
- Because of you
- Oh, I'm flattered
- Didn't you doubt it?
- Of course not. It's work
- Yeah... you're right
- Besides, you're with Lilia
- Were
- What?
- Were with Lilia
- Oh...
- We got into a fight today and she b...
- I never asked- I interrupt him
He looks down
- Yeah. Sorry
- Gotta go
- I'm glad you signed the contract- he says
- I'm glad I signed the contract too.
He frowns and fakes a smile before keep walking through the hallways
Am I still in love with Jaeden? YEAH.
Am I gonna run back to him as soon as I know he broke up with Lilia? No.
I just don't want to be his second choice. He had Lilia, and they broke up so now he wants me? That's not fair... I'm not a replacement
Even if that means I'll have to forget about him. Either he fights for me, or he loses.
I start walking out of Netflix's buildings when I hear Jaeden calling my name
I turn around to see him standing at the door
I keep walking, ignoring him
- Wyatt!- he screams again
I cross the street and suspire
- BE CAREFUL!- I hear, behind me.
A loud sound of a brake makes me look back, to find Jaeden, laying in the floor. His legs are under a motorcycle, and his head is bleeding
I run back to him, and try to wake him up.
- Jaeden?- I ask, crying.
- Somebody call 911- a girl near us screams
- Jaeden! Please...
I hold his hand, and he holds it back
- Are you okay?
He opens his eyes, and tries to move
- No! Don't- a man sits right next to J- I'm a doctor, I can help him
- What about the other guy?- a lady asks- The driver?
- He's not here.
- He left
People start commenting about the accident
- I need something to stop the bleeding
I take my shirt off and give it to him
He places it under Jaeden's head
- Hold it tight- he says, looking at me.
And so I do. I hold my shirt against his head, and caress his hair
- His right leg is broken.
- My leg?- Jaeden asks, staying still
- You're pretty lucky, kid. It could be much worse
The ambulance arrives and the doctors take Jaeden into the vehicle
- Who's coming with him?
- Me- I answer immediately
I run into the ambulance and they close the doors behind me.
They put a mask that covers Jaeden's nose and mouth. His eyes start closing
- Hey, hey. Stay with me- I whisper
I hold his hand the whole time.
- Is he gonna be okay?- I ask
- Yeah. The bleeding in his head was just because of the hit. He hit his head, but he's okay.
- Thanks God
I feel so bad. Like a drama queen. My best friend- and former boyfriend- was hit by a motorcycle just because I was fooling him around.
In the hospital, the doctors give me a shirt and let me know Jaeden will be okay

As I find out Jaeden is at the hospital, I run to Lilia's
- Go away, Maddie- she screams at me, as soon as she sees me
- It's important
- I don't care
Jane- Lilia's mum- opens the door
- Come in, honey
- Thanks- I whisper with a smile
I go into Lilia's room
- Jaeden had an accident. He's at the hospital
- What?
- Yeah. A motorcycle hit him
- A motorcycle?- Lilia laughs- That's all you have?
- I'm not fucking joking, Lilia. He needs you
- You're serious?
I nod
- But... Wyatt...
- You'll talk later. Let's go
We both hurry to travel to the hospital, where Finn, Jack and Wyatt are waiting for us
- Where is he?- I ask
- He's at the third floor with Angela.
- Who was he with when it happened? Was he with Angie?
- No. He was with me- Wyatt replies to my question- Actually he was alone, but we found each other in the streets and then a motorcycle hit him
- Can we go in?- Lilia asks
- Of course. We were just waiting for you two
- Cool

When I wake up, I'm in a hospital room
- Wyatt?- I ask, with my eyes half closed
- Yeah. We're all here
He holds my hand
- All?- I ask
- Maddie, Jack, Finn and Lilia are here to see you. Angela's outside
- Lil?- I open my eyes and let go of Wyatt's hand
She comes closer to me and fakes a smile
- Hey...
- I'm so sorry
- Don't even talk about it. Not right now...
- What happened between you two?- Finn asks
- We... broke up- Lilia says
Oh, so that's still on
- WHAT!?- Jack barely screams- When? Why?
- Actually... today.- she bites his lip
- Oh, so we still have time to fix this
- Jack!- I interrupt- Don't. She's already made up her mind. We're done...
Maybe Wyatt doesn't love me anymore, but Lilia doesn't deserve to be "used" like that anymore. I thought about it since we broke up a few hours ago and I'm willing to fight for Wyatt, because I do love him.
I don't care what the rest of the people will say. I love Wyatt Oleff.
- Can you leave us alone?- I ask
- Leave who alone?- Maddie asks
- Me and Lilia
- Oh. Of course- Finn fakes a smile
- Thanks guys, it'll be just a second
They all go out of the room, leaving an awkward silence
- Hey...
- Hey.- she fakes a smile again.- What happened to you, idiot?
- I was following Wyatt and the motorcycle hit me
- Following him?- she asks
- Yeah. He was ignoring me
- So it was his fault?
- No. He never told me to follow him. It was my choice
She nods
- Listen, Lil...
- We're done. You said it already...
- That's not what I'm trying to say
- So what are you trying to...?
- I love you- I interrupt her
- What?
- I love you, Lilia
- But?
- But... I just realized that I'm totally gay.
- So you like Wyatt?
- It's more than that. I love him. I don't expect you to understand it, and support me with this. I tried to forget Wyatt. I tried to deny the fact that I like him, but I can't. Every time I spend time with you, I forget him for a while, but I keep thinking about him every time I have to make a big decision, and I realized I just can't leave without him.
- Hey... I support you. Okay?
- What?
- I love you, J, and I'm sorry about everything I said earlier. I freaked out. But just now when I found out about your accident I realized just how afraid I am to lose you, so I rather keeping you as a friend than not having you in my life at all
- Are you serious?
- Of course
I smile at her and she smiles back at me.
A true smile.
- Friends?- I ask her
- Friends
She leans on me and I hug her
- I'm so glad you're here...
- I'm glad I came.

Forbidden Love/ Fack/ Jyatt (Book 1) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now