38- Changes & Flirtings

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Once the plane takes off, we both look at Noah and Sadie and finally, I talk
- So... we have a lot of time. Mind telling me what happened between you and Finn? I mean... don't get me wrong. It's nothing personal, but I'm really lost. I had no idea that you apologized.
- Yeah... some time ago, Finn went to set to get his stuff, cause he was leaving.
- So?
- I found out he was there, and went to apologize. I've been wanting to for a long of time and I couldn't let him go without finally apologizing to him
- So it's all good?- Wyatt asks
- Yeah
He laughs, and shakes his head
- Finn is the worst. He always forgives everyone... even those who doesn't deserve to be forgiven.
- Wyatt! Chill!- I say
- What? You fell for it already?
- It's not our problem. If Finn's fine with him, we're fine too.
- Wait, wait, wait.- Sadie interrupts
We all look at her
- What about your boyfriend?- she asks
- Ugh, you too?
- What?
- He's my cousin!
- Oh.
- Why does everyone think he's my boyfriend?
- Well... you two were pretty close
- We've known each other forever... we're like brothers.
- I have one more question...- Wyatt starts- Why were you such a prick?
- Are you talking about the kiss?
- What happened after the kiss, actually
- Wyatt!- I whisper to him
- I just panicked. I didn't wanted everyone to just stop talking to me.
- Finn would've kept his mouth shut. We all know he's too good to speak.
- That's true- I agree
- I know... I don't know what happened to me. As soon as I realized I was acting the wrong way, I told everyone I actually kissed Finn
- Wait. You did?- I ask
- Yeah- Noah nods
- How much time did it take to make you realize that
- Less than a week
- It's true- Sadie nods- He told everyone about what really happened
- Why didn't you tell Finn then?- I ask Sadie
- Noah asked me not to. He wanted to apologize himself
- I wanted to talk to him so badly, but I was so embarrassed, I mean, I screwed my relationship with the person I love the most
- Friendship- Wyatt corrects
- You're being annoying- I whisper
- I'm just telling the truth- Wyatt defends himself
- Look, I know I made a terrible mistake, but I already fixed it with Finn, and I think that's all I needed to do.
- He's right. He doesn't need to prove himself with us- I look at Wyatt until he finally nods
- Whatever...
I suspire. I'm about to calm down, when Wyatt says
- Oh, and Noah? Finn loves assholes, so you chose the right boy to be in love with.
Noah just stands up and leaves
- Where is he going?- Sadie asks
- I don't know. The bathroom? He can't go too far, Sads. We're on a plane...
She laughs and finally nods.
- Why don't you calm down already?- I ask Wyatt
- I'm stressed out. Okay? I can't calm down
- Why?- I ask, a little upset
Noah comes back, and sits down.
- Because we're just travelling to London, and we don't even know if we're gonna tell Finn about Talia or not
- Oh, you are- Noah gets in the conversation.
- What?- Wyatt looks at him, furious
- You're gonna tell Finn, or I will.
- Why?- I ask
- Cause he deserves to know the truth.
- It's not your decision to make.
- Neither is yours. You should tell Finn and let him do whatever he wants with the information
We all look at each other's eyes. We all want to talk, but none of us do.
Sadie looks at me and shakes her head
- This is gonna be a long trip- she finally says

Still in my room I start thinking about everything I've done lately.
I know that's not actually good, cause every time I start thinking about life, I get paranoid.
But I keep on doing it tho.
I mean... there's nothing better to do here. I'm all alone, and I've already made all the tours I wanted to. Besides, I'm pretty sure that if I go out of here, paparazzis will find me and I'll get paranoid anyway, so same shit. Right?
I always get so fucking anxious. I'm so tired of it. I left everything because of it, and now I don't even know if I made the right choice.
I mean... Jack would still be here, filming, and maybe I would be in LA, getting ready to travel to Atlanta to shoot Stranger Things. That wouldn't be so terrible...
I abandoned my dream just because I was scared. I'm a coward. A freaking coward who just ran away.
I look at my phone, and see a missing call from Jaeden. He left a message
- Hey, dude. Call me asap
I frown, and try to call him, but he doesn't reply
- Fuck. What the hell happened?
I try to reach him a couple more times, but still, no one answers, so I decide to send him a text
"DUDE! WTF HAPPENED? Im trying 2 call u bt ur not answring"
I leave my phone next to me, in the bed, and finally try to get some sleep, but I can't. I check my phone every 5 minutes to see if J answers my text. He doesn't.
When I realize, it's time to go get Jack.
At the second I arrive to set, he runs to me and hugs me
- Finnie!
I kiss him on the lips but he doesn't kiss me back
- Is everything okay?- I ask
- Can we talk for a sec?
- Sure
We start walking away, but Asher screams my name
I turn round and wave at him
- What are you guys doin?
- Not much- I answer
Jack fakes a smile
- Wanna go out?- he asks
- Mh, not sure. Jack was just trying to tell me something.
- Oh. You two want some privacy?
- n...
- Yeah.- Jack interrupts me
- Oh, okay...- he frowns, and leaves.
- What was that?
- I'm trying to confess something here? I would like us to be alone.
- What's going on?
- Listen, I haven't been completely honest with ya lately.
- no kidding
- Hey! Please don't interrupt me
- Okay... what happened?
- Have you seen the leaked Dm's? From Snapchat?
- The ones with Talia? Yeah. What's with them?
- They're real
- They are?- of course they are.
- Yeah... I'm sorry. I was really pissed off, and I just said a lot of horrible things to her and...
- You didn't think, just acted.
- Exactly
I suspire.
- So are we okay?
- Not really.
- What?
- I appreciate that you're trying to be honest with me, but I need some time to think about this. All those things you said to her... they were really terrible, Jack. You should've never treated her that way.
- I know. And I'm sorry.
- I'm not the one you should apologize to
- You want me to apologize to Talia?
- It's not what I want. It's what you should do
- But...
- Bye, Jack.
- Wait. Is this the end?- he asks
I just shake my head
- Are you willing to let me go that easily?
- Hell no.
- I told you. I just need some time
- Why do you care so much?
- Cause I don't wanna date an asshole. I want the boy I fell in love with over the summer of 2016. The innocent, cute smol bean that made me die from cuteness with every word. You changed, Jack.
- You changed too
- We all do
- So what's the problem?
- You're changing now. And I know it's all because of what happened. I get it.
I get close to him, and hold his hand, just to roll his sleeve up and see all his scars. Some old ones, a lot of new ones.
- You think you're alone, but you're not. I know I shouldn't have left after Gavin passed away. I should've stayed by your side, and help you, but I couldn't deal with it. But I can now. I'm ready to go through this right by your side.
- So why are you leaving me again? I don't get it
- I'm not leaving you, Jack.
- Please don't. I'll change if you want me to! I'll do anything for you, for us.
I can't help but smile.
What the hell happened to me? I came to London decided to leave him. I was just looking for the right way to do it. However, now I think I love him more than I used to.
I wouldn't dare to leave him. I just don't wanna lose him.
BUT, I can't just let him do whatever he wants, so I have to play hard. That's the only reason I'm even talking about taking a break.
Did I know the chats were real? I was pretty sure, yeah. Even though I didn't want them to be, I just know Jack, and I know he doesn't think when he's angry.
- Asher?- I scream at him. He's sitting a few miles away from us, and he seems bored.
He runs to us, and smiles
- What's up?
- We were just thinking about going to the cinema. Wanna come with us?
- Sure- he nods- Don't you mind?
- Of course he doesn't- I answer
- Of course I don't.- Jack fakes a smile
- Cool.
- See ya tonight.- I wink at them
- You're leaving?- Jack asks
- Yeah, I have some things to do
- Oh... want me to go with ya?- he asks
- Nah, it's okay.
- I'm going to the shopping center right now- Asher says- Do you wanna join me?- he asks Jack
- Okay, sure.
- Cool. So we'll meet you at 6- Asher tells me
- Awesome. I'll be there
Asher smiles at me, and I leave.

We leave set, and walk to the shopping center.
While walking, I stop him and face him. He has been acting like an ass, and I can't stand it anymore
- Asher?
- What's up?
- Would you please stop flirting with my boyfriend?- I ask him
- What?
- You like him. I know his really beautiful and all, but he's not available.
- I'm not flirting with him.- Asher laughs
I can feel my nerves start rising.
There's no one around us. I could totally hit him without no one noticing.
But I can't. Finn would notice, and I gotta act nice
- Are you kidding? I see you. You're crazy for him
- No I'm not.
- I'm serious. Stop it
- I don't like Finn. Okay?
- Stop ly...
- I like you- he interrupts
- What?
Before I could say something, he moves closer to me and kisses my lips.
I push him away, and frown
- Are you nuts? I have a boyfriend!
- I'm sorry. I can't control myself near you
- Well then, maybe you shouldn't come tonight.
- What?
I run away from him.
Walk all the way back to my room near the BigBen
- Jack?- Finn asks- I thought you were with Asher
- He can't come tonight
- Why? What happened?
- He kissed me
- What? Why? How?
- I faced him, to tell him to stop flirting with you
- Omg, you noticed too?
- Of course I did, but he wasn't flirting with you
- He wasn't?
- No. He likes me, not you.
- Are you sure?- he frowns, confused
- FINN!- I scream
- Yeah, sorry.
- He kissed me!
- Wow... I could've sworn he liked me.
- How is that more important then...?
- Look, I don't care if he kissed you. Okay? The important thing here is that you stopped him. You did, right?
- Of course I did. I don't like him.
- I told you to be careful with him.
I shrug
Finn's phone rings
- Hi? Jaeden! What happened?... what? Here?... okay. I'll go and get you.
- What was that?- I ask
- Jaeden's at the airport
- This airport?
- Yeah. I'll go pick him up, you go get the tickets to the cinema
- But I wanna see J...
- And I wanna see the movie
- Okay... I'll meet you guys at the cinema
- Sure

Forbidden Love/ Fack/ Jyatt (Book 1) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now