10- Dates & Arrangements

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A few weeks after the Schmoedown Trivia, I walk to a Starbucks in LA, where Finn and I arranged to meet.
"I'm here"- I text him
"Excited 2 C U"
I wait for almost half and hour. I check my phone. Finn didn't read my messages yet
I call him, but he doesn't pick up, so I left a message for him
- Hey. We were supposed to meet today. Remember? In LA. I went to NYC two weeks ago and it was your turn to be here. I don't know where the hell are you right now, but I'm waiting for you, here, at the same Starbucks we met last time...
I close my eyes and leave my phone at the table. I wait for a few minutes and then call Jaeden
- Hey.
- Have you seen Finn?
- Not this week. Why?
- We were supposed to meet in LA today, but he's not here. I've been waiting for half an hour and I'm still alone here.
- Try to call him
- I already did
- Send him messages?
- Done
- Did he read them?
- Nope
- Maybe...
Jaeden suspires
- I don't know, buddy. Go home?
- You think I should?
- Yeah... I guess so
- Okay
I get home and call Finn again, to leave another message, but this time he answers
- Hello?
I don't know what to say
- Hello?- he asks again
- Still don't know where the fuck are you. But we're done. You listened? DONE. For real.
- Jack?
- Who else? Asshole
I hang up.
Hysterical, I call Ellie
- Hey. Wanna meet?
- Sure. Your house?
- Nah. Let's go somewhere nice
- Are you taking me on a date?
- Yeah. I guess I am
- Is everything okay?
- No. It's not
- What happened?
- Do you care?
- Not actually, no.
- That's what I thought.
- Where do you wanna meet?
- Actually... you're fired
- What?
- In times like this, I need a friend, and you suck.
- Jack, wait
- Bye, Ellie.
- Yeah. You won't say anything
- Why?
- Because I'm not gonna say anything either.
- What do you mean?
- We have a few pics together. When It comes out, you're gonna start publishing those pictures. But right now, don't bother me.
- Whatever
I run to my bedroom and shut the door.
I feel sick. Finn is still not answering me and I'm freaking out
I stay in my room, with my eyes turning more and more red. I'm going through all the #Fack instagram pictures and I really feel like crying.
An hour later, someone knocks on my door.
- Who is it?- I ask
- Jack? Open the door
Jaeden walks into my house
- What are you doing here?
- We came to cheer you up.
- We?- I ask
Wyatt shows up at the door, with two bags
- Hey! We're here!
- Hey. Guys... thanks for... coming
Jaeden hugs me
I fake a smile and look at them
- We're gonna stay here for a few days.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah. We will make you feel a little better.- Jaeden smiles
- How are things?
- Things are... not going.- I reply
- What do you mean?- Wyatt asks
- I broke up with him.
- You serious?
- Yeah. I'm tired if him, J. He's not taking our relationship seriously.
- He is- Jaeden starts
- Last time I saw him, he said he wanted to go public
- Well... I wanted that too, but now we're done
- What if you try to fix things up?
- I won't. I don't want to apologize for something he did. We were supposed to meet today, but se didn't. And it's not my fault
- That's true, but maybe you should give him the chance to explain himself
- Now he saw all the messages, but he didn't even reply

I grab my guitar, and keep practicing
- Are you okay?- Ayla asks
Ayla is the guitarist of Calpurnia.
- Yeah. Why?
- You've been out of rhythm since you got that call
- Sorry.
- What happened?
- Jack broke up with me
- Are you kidding? Again?
- Yeah... but it's my fault
- It's always your fault
- I know...
- Why? I told you to go to LA. We can rehearse any time we want... are you doing it on purpose?
- I think I am...
- Why?
She leaves her guitar and sits down with me
- I don't wanna talk about it
- Let's go. Rehearsal it's over, boys
- What? Leave us do our music, Ayla- Jack Anderson protests
- C'mon! Don't be jerks. He needs to talk
Jack and Malcolm leave and Ayla stays with me
- Okay. Talk
- I don't want to, Ayla. Just leave me alone
- Stop being such an asshole for the first time and tell me, your best friend, about it.
- Millie is my best friend
She looks at me and I start laughing
- I'm just kidding
- Why are you pushing Jack away?
- Because I'm scared
- Of...?- she asks
- Going public
- I thought you were the one who suggested it
- I did. But I'm freaking out
- Are you kidding? People ships you two more than they ship Rose and Jack from Titanic
- Well... that's because she practically let him die in front of her
- That's not the point, and you know it
- So what's the point, Ayla? I push away the people I love, and I'm scared as fuck to go public. What is people gonna say about us? About me? Am I going to be making the same roles? Would it mess my career up?
- If you really love him, you shouldn't worry about what people can say about you two
- And how am I gonna explain to people?
- Explain what?
- I love Jack and I wanna be with him, but I'm definitely not gay. I mean, I've liked women all my life
- You don't have to explain anything
- But they will ask
- So answer them "It's complicated"
- People will criticize us saying we don't take the LGBTIQ community seriously
- Q?- she asks
- Queer, I think
- What is that?
- I'm not sure...
- Maybe you're bisexual
- I don't like any other boy. Just Jack
- How many girls have you liked?
- Lots. And I like practically half of the celebrities...
- Well... Don't you like any boy celebrity?
- No. Well, yeah. Jack
She starts laughing
- I'm serious. Cameron Dallas? Leonardo Di Caprio? Justin Bieber?
- No, Ayla. Just Jack
- Okay... Maybe you're not bisexual. But what are you?
- A kid. Who doesn't know what he wants. And he's definitely scared to tell the world he's going out with another boy
- Are you saying you don't know if you actually love Jack or is just something a KID feels?
- No. That's not what I meant.
- What did you mean?
- I DON'T KNOW!- I scream, tedious
- I'm sure Jack is tired of your insecurities
- Well, he should accept me as I am
- He does. But you keep pushing him away
- Thank you, Ayla. You're really making me feel better- I say, angry.
I leave her alone.

- So you won't even try to talk to him?- Wyatt asks
- No. I need time.
- But maybe Finn didn't mean to hurt you
- Well, he did. And you will too, if you keep talking
- What?
- Little by little, you're turning against me
- I'm not. I think he should've shown, or at least sent you a text, but I think you should give him a chance to explain himself too.
- If he wants to explain himself, I'll let him talk. But I won't call him.
- Okay can we stop talking about Finn?- Wyatt asks.- We're here so he can forgets him and we're not doing a great job
- Yeah. That's true. Sorry.

That night, the boys sleep in my bedroom.
At 2 am, someone calls
- Jack?- Jaeden asks
- I'm going.
I run to the living room to get the phone.
- Hello?
- Jack? It's Finn
- Hey...
- Can we talk?
- Now?
- Yeah. I have to go back to NYC as soon as possible so yeah. Now
- You're in LA?
- Yes. I'm outside your house. Just... please. Come outside. It'll be quick
I hang up, grab a jacket and go out, expecting to find Finn ready to apologize. Pitifully, that's not what happened.
- What do you want?- I ask
- I think you were right
- About what?
- We should break up. I've been thinking about it all day long and... yeah. We're too young and still don't know what we really want.
- WE still don't know what we want?- I ask
- Yeah. That's what I said
- YOU don't know what you want
- I don't wanna fight you. I just wanted to say we should stay away from each other for a time.
- Fine by me. After all, I broke up with you. Right?
- Right...
I fake a smile
- Okay. Bye
- Bye.
He comes closer to kiss me, but I stop him
- What are you doing?
- Sorry. I got used to it
I sit on the front stairs of my house and watch him leave.
As he goes away, tears start falling through my cheeks. For some reason, I feel like that's the last time we're gonna see each other for a long time.

Forbidden Love/ Fack/ Jyatt (Book 1) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now