Later Haters!

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Hey everyone! I've paired up with AT&T to block out the haters and put love on BLAST for the #LaterHaters campaign! Spread YOUR message of love and enter the #LaterHaters writing contest for a chance at some awesome prizes! Check out the NoMoreBullying profile for more info!

There's nowhere you can go these days without encountering the oh-so-exasperating Hater. It seems there's always a troll around the corner, ready to come out from under the bridge, and attack at moment's notice. It's easy for the haters when they can hide their faces behind an anonymous account. I see it on social media all the time. No matter what you do, you can't avoid the trolls. Your first reaction is to defend yourself and then go on the offensive. But that's what they want. They want you to get riled up. They want you to get angry. That's the reason they're attacking you— they want to instigate.

But where there are trolls, there is also the opposite— the people who want to everyone to feel safe and happy. I like to say I'm part of that crowd. One of the easiest things to do in the world is be kind. Think of writing on Wattpad. When you send someone a message of support or comment that you love their story, how does that make you feel? How does that make the writer feel? Happy. The good will block out the bad. And it only takes five seconds.

And it's not just Wattpad where you can spread kindness. Any social media. When you comment on a friend's selfie on Instagram saying GORGEOUS, you can be assured it makes their day. Or even just a simple text to a friend you haven't seen a while, congratulating them on the achievements they've made.

With technology these days, a support system is only a text away. Whenever someone's having a hard time, we can send positive messages. We can encourage each other and make each other laugh— gifs are a great invention. And we can comment on each other's stories, telling each other we're doing great.

What I've learned, and what I would tell others when it comes to dealing with the haters, is that you define yourself. Why would you let someone else define who you are? Who are they to tell you that you suck? Why waste time thinking about what they say about you? Here's the big thing— they don't know you. Don't let them try to tell you who you are.

It may sound repetitive, but don't let the haters get to you. There's a quote by Chris Colfer I like to send my friends when the occasional bully pops up. It goes "When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sandpaper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless." And it's so true. You come out stronger in the end. You learn patience. You learn that how you view yourself is more important than how someone else views you.

So when they haters show, don't be afraid. Don't be hurt. Be strong. Be the better person. Spread kindness.

Spread YOUR message of love and enter the #LaterHaters writing contest on #Wattpad for a chance at some awesome prizes! Check out the NoMoreBullying profile for more info!

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