Chapter 1

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I rolled over restlessly onto my back, staring up at the dark ceiling. Wishing. Wishing that my mother could come back to me. Instead, she had died of cancer 6 years ago, when I me, Ash, was a mere child of 11 years. "I will always be with you sweetie" Her words burned like fire, etched into my brain.  " I will always be..."

I jolted awake and struggled to gather coherant thoughts. My heart quickened. Thursday. Lectures. I tumbled out of my warm bed, panicked. Grabbing a cute blue and green off-the-shoulder-top and dark chinos, I ran into the bathroom, standing under the spray of water for the quickest shower in my life.

Exactly 6 minutes later, I was raking a comb through my bed-head and stroking on mascara, satisfied as my chocolate and honey streaked waves spilled softly over my shoulders. Sweeping up my hair into a pony, I hurriedly pounded down the stairs, bag slung over shoulder. Glancing at my watch, it read 8:48. I breathed a quick sigh of relief. I had 7 minutes to spare.

I stepped out onto the porch and locked the door carefully behind me. I sighed in bliss as the suns warm tendrils caressed my bare skin, entrapping me in a snug cacoon. Gentle as a mothers touch. I sighed again. I unlocked my gleaming grey Honda (CR-V), remebering how it had taken me nearly 2 years to save up, until I finally brought it fron an old hippie down two streets. the car was well looked after and new-an 07 to be precise.

I thrust the keys into the ignition, producing an even purr of the engine. Then I was off.

Backing my car into an unclaimed parking space, I turned off the ignition so that the fiery steady rhythm of the engine dissolved into nothing. Laughter and cheering rose in the air like smoke as I exited the student parking area, leaving me with only the slip-slap of my sandals on the pavement for company. My eyes searched around for my friends, but through the thick stream of students, not even the bubbly personality of Jazmine lingered. "Azh! Ashleigh!" I half-turned, finding the source of the girls voice. It was-"Cat!" I beckoned her over, grinning. Cat, officially named Catalina, jogged and ducked through the crowd, white-and-red spagetti strap dress billowing slightly behnd her in the faint breeze.

Her hand slapped  my own once she got to me, blue eyes shining and dark brown bob lazily ruffled. "I told you a bob suits you better" "Did not" "Did too" "Fine, fine I guess you suggested that a bob would look good on me." She smiled, showing a small dimple on the side of her chin. She led me to the shade of the lush trees. "8:54," I said. "Better to get to chemistry lab before we're late." Maybe it was the wariness in my eyes or my lack of enthusiasm, but Cat instantly rounded on me. "Whats up?" "Nothing" " Come on, Ash. This is Chemistry. You love Chemistry!." Then, in a more quiet voice, "It's your dad, isn't it?" I turned away from her, not missing the slight disgust buried beneath her tone. From weeks after mum had died, Cat had expressed her concerns about how my dad was unfit to be a parent.

We didn't say anything else all the way to lectures.

Okay! First chapter...really nervous. Did it go well? Anyway, if theres any spelling mistakes can u pleez let me know. Thank you!

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