Chapter 3

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I hefted my bag higher up my shoulder, noticing how packing for a sleep-over was pretty heavy. The bag was practically pulling me down. It was a wander that I hadn't ended up somewhere on the floor. Looking back at my neatly parked Honda, I rang the doorbell to 101 Holiwell Gardens, Jaz's house. Well, more like a mini mansion. We had agreed that we'll all have a couple of days off together (well, Jazmine had come up with the idea). Mrs Meera's kind, pretty face popped out, along with the rest of her body. I was instantly engulfed in a gigantic hug, and I struggled to breathe as Mrs Meera cooed, ushering me inside and said how long it had been since she last saw me, how pretty I've grown out to be, just like my mother. Then she stood back, searching my face. "Well, Ashleigh darling, if you want anything, and I mean anything, you know I'm always here for you." She beemed at me; I knew that she was refering to my dad when she said that. I cleared my throat. She gave me one last smile, "Oh, sorry Ashleigh. Off you go now!" I glided across the shiny tiles and up the marble stairs. I knew Jaz's house (kind of) by heart. On either side of the landing there was a long tunnel of cream coloured doors. On the far end of the right, I spotted Jazmine's door. Frankly, it wasn't hard, because the door was bejewelled with sparkly gems and jewels. At the sound of my footsteps, the door swung open to reveal...Cat? "Cat, what on earth is that covering your face?!" I stared at Cat, who was wearing some sort of mustardy gloop on her face. "A beauty mask. What else would it be?" "I have no idea, Cat." I bit on my toungue to refrain from laughing, but Cat had already seen the curl of the corners of my lips. I removed my shoes, dropping them past the doorway, steering myself away from Cat's glare. Jazmine appeared in the doorway, holding a tray that consisted of cokes and boxes of pizza. "Oh, I'm soooo hungry" Cat moaned. She was about to seat herself, when it seemed she remembered about her 'mask'. "I'll be right back." She dashed off, calling, "You better leave some for me, Jaz." I grinned at Jaz, recalling the competitions we used to have when we were younger. Guess who won? Jazmine. Jazmine set down the food on her plush, lilac, kings-size bed, draping herself on the fluffy white cushions. I joined her, and we waited for Cat, sips of cold Coke keeping our thirst at bay.

When Cat returned, Jazmine closely examined her face. "What?" Cat looked a little confused, bless her. I couldn't blame her, so I had to blurt my views out: "Um, Jaz? What are you doing? I mean,  the mask didn't-" "Nope." "Nope what?"  "I meant," she continued "Cat's face is still the same, cute. So that means she's ditched any chance of having a face that looks 18 years old." I started giggling, because it had been our joke that Cat's face would always look cute. Especially with the dimple. And it made me and Jaz laugh more, when Cat pulled a stroppy baby face. "See?!"

"So, your dad on a working trip?" I asked, between mouthfuls of delicious cheezy pizza. "Yeah." Jazmine didn't sound happy about it. We all knew that her dad was a manager of housing property's and also that he was hardly ever at home. Cat broke the silence by saying, "Let's watch 'Anuvahood'." We stretched out in front of the 32-inch plasma flat-screen. "Next we so need to watch 'Adulthood'." Everyone agreed with me.

In the end, we decided to sleep next to Jaz's bed, on the thick carpeted floor, on cotton sleeping bags.

2 hours earlier, we had had a make-over, just for fun. Now, my hands and feet had been transformed with a manicure and pedicure. I rolled over, hearing Cat's soft, even breathing. The glow-in-the-dark digital clock squinted at me, its flashing numbers reading..1:34. I jumped in fright as a massive snore nearly knocked my ears unconscious. It was Jazmine. Her arms were sprawled in opposite directions, hair a wild tangle. Mouth open. She was snoring. I stared at her in disbelief; then my lips curled into a smirk. Wait till everyone hears about this.

Hey people! I'd really appreciate it if you'd comment and maybe vote?! I mean, I need the encouragement, and if I don't get comments, then how will I know that you like/dislike my story? Anyhu, thank you 4 reading! :)

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