Chapter 1 - Jack's POV

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     “Happy Birthday Nate!” we all cheered.  It was Nate’s 28th birthday and we were celebrating at his favorite bar in Manhattan.  These were the good old days, when we were still getting more popular and still had a lot of time on our hands.  Everything seemed to be working out for us.  Aim and Ignite came out last year and now we were half way though a tour.  Nate was still dating my sister Rachel at the time and Andrew was recently married to Jill.  I, however, was still single.  I was a bit confused about my sexuality but that didn’t matter.  I just wanted someone to care about me as much as I would them.  I was almost jealous of how everyone was all snuggling and smooching with their partners while I was sitting there, serving cake and wine.  I was thinking to myself, “Oh well, I’ll find someone to love me someday.”

    “This has got to be the best birthday I’ve ever had," Nate said, "Thanks guys!”  Rachel handed him a present.  It was one of her sweaters from her designer line.  “Oh, Rach, I love it!  Thanks Honey!”  She gave him a peck on the cheek and he tried it on.  I must admit, it fit him very well and he looked very sexy in it.  Andrew, who was sitting across from them, topped off all of their wine glasses.  I was to be our designated driver so, no wine for me!  Shit, this night wasn’t going well for me.

     “Ok, boys, I’ve got a photo shoot do at six in the morning and Jill’s coming along with me,” Rachel announced to us.  “We’re going be staying here in town so don’t get into any trouble, alright?”  Jill looked a bit concerned, like she wanted to keep an eye on her new man.  Andrew and Nate stayed with me at my place in New Jersey.  Sometimes Nate spent the night with Rachel at her place (especially on a night like tonight) but we were doing a show tomorrow in Newark so he was staying with me tonight.

     After all the celebrating was over, Nate and Rachel had a long parting that involved giggling and kissing.  Ugh, I was almost getting sick of all this “lovey-dovey” action going on between them!  But of course I wanted what was best for them.  We paid the bill, packed up our stuff, and headed home.  Andrew and Nate were still a bit tipsy and were singing loudly in the back seat.  I felt like I hadn’t gotten any enjoyment from this night and was determined to get some!  I guess that was a bit selfish of me since it wasn’t my birthday after all!  The night was still young and although we really should have been sleeping, I made the mistake of keeping the party going.  Now it was my chance to drink and I encouraged the others to join me.  

     I took shot-glasses and all of the bottles out of my liquor cabinet.  I don’t know what kind of shit I found but it screwed us up badly.  Nate was the worst off.  He looked like he was desperately trying to keep himself upright but kept falling over.  Andrew was laughing loud and acting wild, which was unusual for him.  Something was coming over us, me especially.  I started to feel, well, unusually horny.  Aggressively horny.  Soon I had this half-assed game plan come into my head as I glanced over at Nate.  Poor Nate.  He obviously wasn’t feeling well but I was going do what I wanted.  I even rallied up Andrew and we followed Nate, who was stumbling to his bedroom.  “C’mon . . . hehe . . . let’s fuck Nate!”  Andrew seemed to be as aroused by him as I was.

     As Nate finally got into his dimly-lit bedroom, I leaped on top of him.  Shit, I could have broken his back, but I didn’t care at that moment.  I had one goal in mind.  He almost looked scared at first, like he knew he was going get it.  He wasn’t really the type to refuse something like this though.  In fact, he encouraged it sometimes.  I buttered him up by sucking hard on his neck and he gave in pretty quickly.  Nate was way too buzzed to participate so I basically had to do all the work, which was fine by me.  I pulled off the sheet and threw them on his night stand.  I ripped off his pants as well as mine.  I couldn’t help but notice that his dick was a lot smaller than mine, or maybe mine was just bigger.  Damn, I was glad I was the one who was gonna do it!  I got really excited but I paused for a moment and looked into Nate’s eyes.  I realized that he might not really want this and I didn’t want to make him do something he wouldn’t like.  But he stared at me and gave me a look like I should continue.  I gently positioned myself and began thrusting into him.  Nate really seemed to be enjoying it and so was I.  It was an amazing feeling, better than any other guy (or girl) I ever did!

     We were getting a bit uncomfortable so I decided to reposition myself.  I must have done something though because about a minute in, he gasped and yelled at me “Ow, Jack, get off!”  I immediately dismounted but an impatient Andrew, who had been jacking off this whole time, took this opportunity to get some action himself.  He forcefully put himself on him and started going for it.  As soon as he jabbed into him, Nate let out a gut-wrenching scream.

     “Andrew, get off of him,” I yelled, “you’re hurting him!”  He didn’t stop until I pulled him off.  All of our buzzes were instantly killed.  Andrew shamefully covered himself in a blanket.  I threw on my pants and I flipped on the lights.  Nate’s legs covered in blood.

     “Shit, guys,” he started tearing up, “What the fuck did you do?”  I ran into the bathroom, grabbed a towel and brought it to him.  I was worried that if he kept bleeding, we might have to go to the hospital and that would end up a disaster!  Luckily, it did stop and so did Nate’s crying.   He seemed so worried and I had been trying to make it as pleasant of an experience as possible.  I helped him clean off but he was resistant and still shaken by the whole thing.  I pulled him into my arms and he nuzzled his head into my shoulder.

     “Nate, I’m so sorry about all this . . . I just assumed that you did it before.”  Nate sniffled as he looked up at me.

     “I have . . . plenty of times . . . but this time it felt different."  After several minutes of trying to calm and comfort Nate, he fell asleep in my arms, just like a baby.  I would have loved to get some fresh air and relax after all of that but I didn’t have the heart to leave him.  I came this far so I might as well spend the rest of the night with him. Andrew had left for his bed a while ago so it was just me and Nate, snuggled up in his bed.  I pulled the sheets back on the bed and tucked us both in tight.  He had his head nestled under my arm and my head was resting on his soft, brown hair.  I just felt so peaceful and content with him next to me.  I suddenly had a realization. I was in love with Nate!  This wasn’t in a drunken stupor.  I had been fully aware and I wasn’t just horny either.  I actually felt something beautiful between us!  Too bad Nate didn’t feel the same way I did . . . or did he?

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