Chapter 4 - Andrew's POV

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     I had returned to New York with Jill to meet up with the guys for my birthday.  Plus we had a few local shows to do coming up.  Gosh, it seemed like everyone was having their birthday!  We were all getting older.  But anyway, I hadn’t heard much from Nate and Jack lately so I was starting to get a bit worried.  I didn’t have much to worry about though.  When Jill and I flew in, they met us at the airport and they were happy as clams.

     “Happy birthday Andrew!”  They really seemed to be more touchy with each other, or at least Jack was to Nate.  Was he gay?  Or maybe bi?  I didn't mind either way, but I was trying hard to forget what happened the night of Nate’s birthday.  That was a big mistake and I really hoped that Jill would never find out. 

     Jill and I had our own room at Jack’s place so we dragged all of our suitcases into our room.  He helped us out a lot but Nate didn’t lift a finger, not that I expected help from anyone.  In fact, he looked really tired and Jack seemed like he was overcompensating for that.  Nate also looked like he wanted to tell me something.  I hoped it wasn’t serious.  Maybe I was just imagining things but it was very unusual.

     We had settled in for the moment and Jill went to the restroom, leaving me with Nate and Jack.  They gave some sort of look to each other, then Nate asked me if he could talk with me.  I said yes and he took me into his room alone.

     “I’ve got to tell you something,” he started off, “Remember that night of my birthday?”  I started to worry.  Did I give him something?  Shit, I hope not!  That would mean I’d give Jill something too!  I wondered what he was going to say.  Nate placed his hand over his stomach. 

     “Andrew, I’m pregnant.” 

 I just scoffed at him, “Don’t fuck with me, Nate!”

     “I am not fucking with you!  It’s true!”

“How is that even possible?”

     “I’m . . . well . . . both, if you know what I mean.  You and Jack fucked me and now I’m like this.”  I froze.  Then I realized what happened and we started fighting with each other.

     “Get rid of it, Nate.”

“What?  No!  Why would I do that?  I’m not killing her, I want her!”

     “I can’t have Jill find out!”

“Why can’t you be proud of me?  Jack’s proud to be a dad!”

     “Then why don’t you just tell everyone Jack is the dad?”

“What if he isn’t?  What if you are?”

     “Get a fuckin’ test and find out!”

“I’m not getting a test!  I don’t give a shit who the father is!”

     “Well, I do!  I don’t want to be a dad.  Just get the damn test before it’s too late!”

“Why should I do you any fucking favors?  You got me in this mess in the first place!”

     “You’ve got a way out!”

“I told you before, I am not killing my baby!”

     Jill, having heard us yelling, stormed in, “Andrew, what’s going on?  Nate was pissed at me and I knew he wasn’t gonna keep it a secret anymore.

     “He knocked me up.  Don’t ask how.”  Jill was shocked.  Soon tears were streaming down her face and her voice became shaky, “Andrew, is this true?  How could you do this to me?!”

     “Jill!” I screamed as she ran out the door.  I followed her, but before I left, I glanced back at Nate, “You went too far!”

     Shit, I was really screwed at this point.  Everyone was angry at me and I had to find a way to smooth it all over.  I followed Jill into our room and put my hands on her shoulders, “Look, Jill, I can explain!”  She pushed off my hands and turned around.

     “Yeah, you need to explain!” she yelled at me, “How the hell did this even happen?”

     “Well, Nate’s gotta cunt and it was his birthday and we were all really drunk.  Jack and I kinda . . . well, gang-raped him.  He was too wasted to even know what was going on.  And now he’s like this.”  Jill looked concerned now.

     “Oh my!  Poor Nate!  Now I really feel sorry for him . . . and I’m more angry at you!  How could you do that to your own friend?  How can you do this to your own wife?!”

     "I didn't mean to . . ."  She left the room and I followed her again.  She went back to Nate, who was crying on the couch, and hugged him.

     "I'm so sorry Nate about what they've done to you," Jill said as she gave an angry look at me and Jack.  We both felt very awkward.  

      Nate wiped his tears and sniffled as he spoke, "Don't worry Jill, I really want my baby and Jack's happy about it.  I'm really sorry!  I hope it works out the way we all hope it will.”  Jill patted him gently on the back.

     “You'll be a great mother, Nate.  And I don't care if you have Andrew's baby.  I'm just really pissed at him for even being involved in this situation.”  She then looked up at me, “Andrew, I still love you, but I'm still very upset.  You help Nate out as much as you can and don't make him feel bad about wanting his baby.  You're gonna have to man up; you might be a dad!”

     Now one pressure had been relieved and another one took its place.  A dad?  I can't be a dad!  I know it's nothing like being a mom but it's a very awkward place to be.  The world is going to find out eventually and what are they going to think?  “Married pianist impregnates male singer.”  Shit, that sounded weird!  But Jack could be the dad too and he doesn't seem to mind!  I think he was really proud.  But what was I going to do?

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