Chapter 8 - Andrew's POV

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     We had been planning on making our second album for the longest time, but with Nate’s baby and tours and stuff like that, we really hadn’t gotten started yet.  Speaking of the baby, Nate was getting way too big to hide anymore.  He was going to have to tell our fans sometime!  The perfect opportunity was a live interview we had coming up.  We would be talking about our album and touring . . . and now something else too! 

     We also had a bunch of shows to perform.  We had been headlining for a few bands and had toured in the UK.  Nate was able to safely perform up until this point but now it was getting to be too strenuous for him.  He already had to stop jumping around the stage a while ago, which pissed off a lot of fans.  Maybe if they understood why, they wouldn’t be so hard on him.  He had been fretting about what they’d think.  Jack and I told him not to worry about it.

     “They either love you or they don’t!” we told him, but he still felt the same.  It must’ve been a lot of pressure on him because he was basically the leader of the band and had to deal with the majority of judgmental fans.  We were there for him though, especially Jack.

     Nate was nervous yet he wanted this off his chest and hoped for acceptance among his fans.  We all went into the green room to prep for the show.  We had to perform after the interview which only made it more stressful.  Nate struggled to get his clothes on and still tried to look skinny.  He spent about ten minutes trying to adjust his shirt and pants.  Jack tried to give him some encouragement.

     “Give it up, Nate!  You’re never gonna get your belly to be flat with our baby in there!  You look beautiful!  You don’t need to change yourself.”  That seemed to make him feel better, coming from Jack.  Nate was sweating from the stress and had a hard time powdering his face.  But Jack dried his face off with a towel and put his makeup on for him.  Nate was starting to give in to Jack’s advances but I don’t know if he was in love with him or not.

     The director yelled, “You’re on in five, get on stage!”  Nate was calmly breathing and walked up behind Jack.  We were all seated and the interviewer prepped his questions.  There was an audience of about two hundred people and it was going to be live-streamed.  The camera guy called out, “Three, two, one . . .”

     It was going relatively well.  The interviewer asked us a lot of questions about what it’s like touring and recording and stuff.  Then, he started asking more personal questions, like about our families and our relationships.  Nate knew what was coming up, but he looked remarkably brave, like he wanted to talk about it.  Then it came.

     “So Nate, there are rumors going around that you’ve got something big to tell us.  You and the band have been a bit secretive about this.  But you said that you were going to announce it today on our show.  Ok Nate, what’s the big secret?”

     The audience fell silent, waiting for Nate’s answer.  A big smile came across his face as he told the world his greatest secret.

     “I’m pregnant,” he said, wrapping his arms around Jack, “and this guy’s gonna be the dad!”

     The room was quiet, but soon everyone was clapping and cheering loudly.  Neither of us expected so much support from our fans.  Nate was very happy to have acceptance from these people who loved us so much.  Now things were a lot easier.  In fact, I think a lot of fans were really getting into it.  They even gave baby gifts when they met us backstage.  Mostly, Nate was better off physically.  The last few shows we did without too much strain and everyone understood.  The less stress he had, the healthier it was for him and the baby.

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