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After lunch, the others retreated to their rooms, while I washed the dishes. Well, I thought everyone had gone. Appears that I'm wrong, when I sensed a presence behind me and the families scent of cloves and shampoo.

"Leave me alone."
"Not until we get things straightened out. I don't like this-whatever this going on between us is called." Jonathan said, his voice rich with stubbornness.

"It's called 'me being mad at you for thinking sex is a good way to win the faerie queen over and for liking your own sister like a lover.' " I said, vigorously scrubbing at the plate, making water droplets splash over me. "I don't know whether to feel angry or humiliated or disgusted. Either way, it's killing me. Is that what you want to hear?" I dropped the plate in the sink, making it clank and almost shatter, and turned around to face him.

"I'm sorry. I needed a good way to persuade her. As for Clary, I only see her as my sister. I love you, Francine. Only you. Believe me, I beg you." he pleaded.

I shook my head, tears stinging my eyes as I bit my lip to keep myself from breaking down.
"I don't know what to believe anymore..."

In an instant he was in front of me, his face just inches away as he cupped my face with his gentle hands that I've missed, the ones that handle me like a fragile glass doll.

"Believe me. That's all I ask. Believe me." He whispered, staring in my eyes.

"Will I regret it?" I asked, still unsure, although my heart was screaming at me to forgive him.


"Good. I better not."

He didn't respond, just pressed his lips to mine, both of us smiling into the kiss.


Jace and Clary had left to go on a date a little while ago. I mean, who wouldn't? That answer is obviously me and Jonathan. I prefer cuddling on the couch than walking around the city, even if its Venice.

And that was what we were currently doing. We were laying on the couch, feet tangled together, one hand and head resting on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart beating, while he played with my hair, twirling a strand around his finger.

"Do you still remember?" He suddenly asked. I raised my head to look up at him, confused.
"Remember what?" I asked.
"Do you still remember how to play the violin and the piano?" He said.
"It's not something you easily forget. I've been playing them my whole life." I replied honestly.

"So... If I asked you, would you play the violin for me now?"
"I would... But you don't have one?" I said.

What is he trying to get at?

"No I don't. But it's good to know. Incase I plan on getting one."

My head immediately shot up, an huge smile curling my lips as I squealed and wrapped my arms around his thin torso tightly. I felt his chest vibrate from chuckles that emitted past his lips as his arms wrapped around me, one of them cupping the back of my head.

"Thank you Jonathan."
"No problem."
"But the sudden thought of getting a violin though?" I asked, curiosity overwhelming me as we pulled away.
He shrugged. "I don't know... I was just remembering the first time I saw you."

"Yeah, you apparently loved to spy on me." I giggled, laying down beside him.
"I was rather ordered by father not even see you. I was punished a few times he caught me. But I couldn't stop. I remember the calm that settled over me whenever I saw you play. I was addicted to the strange feeling, so I couldn't just stop seeing you. Also, you were very beautiful. You still are. To say I was mesmerized was an understatement." said Jonathan, tucking a strand of blue hair behind my ear. I felt my cheeks heat up from his words. Our conversation always start as something else and always end up on me. He always does that.

"Stop it, You're making me blush!"

"But you are adorable when you blush." he grinned, pinching my cheeks.

Which made me blush even more. I swear, another word and I'll probably burst from this lovey-dovey side of his.

"Oh shut up, silverbrain." I rolled my eyes, giggling as I swatted my arms away.

"What did you call me?" He gasped mockingly. I poked out my tongue at him playfully.
"Silverbrain." I laughed, reaching up and ruffling his blonde hair.

"Oh no, take that back."
"Never, silverbrain."
"I'll only count till three..."
"Nope, not taking it back."
"One... Two...."

Suddenly I was flipped over and Jonathan straddled my waist, tickling my sides mercilessly.
"No NO! Ahh! No stop! Jonathan! Ha ha ha! Stop!" I gasped in between squeals of laughter, but in vain.
"Take it back!" He grinned, only tickling me harder.
"Okay OKAY! You're not Silverbrain! Now stop stop!"
He climbed off of me, leaving me panting for breath. And when I did, I punched his shoulder.
"You're an IDIOT."

"But your idiot, right?" He looked at me hopefully.

"You better be." I smiled as he leaned in for a kiss.


Do not forget to vote, comment and share this story with your friends, family, even the stranger sitting next to you on your bus ride back home!

Nah, just kidding. But do share it with friends and family.

Well, that's all for now, but I'll see you soon.

Until my next update,
Love Eden😘😘

Damn, I sound like those youtubers...

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