Chapter 2

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I groaned as I glanced at my watch. It had been almost two hours since Zack had left me in his car.

I turn off the radio annoyed. It was so dark outside, not meaning it was late, but the clouds and rain had made the skies grey. I'd found one of Zack's footy jackets in the back and chucked it on.

It was freezing in here, with or without the heater.

My phone buzzed, I pulled it out hastily praying it was Zack notifying me he was on his way back.

My screen flashed up with different emojis. Sienna.

Hey, you down for a movie tonight? Congrats on the game girl! x

Sienna is my best friend, her boyfriends name is Luke Hemmings, which I must admit is a hottie. Sienna has always been my best friend since year 8, we would do everything together. Go to youth together, joined a band together, go shopping together, anything! Sienna had brown long ombré hair and blue sparkling eyes, as for her boyfriend Luke, he also had blue eyes, tall and had a blonde quiff. I had four best friends not including Zack. Sienna, Hayla, which was a girl on my netball team, she was hilarious, she has red hair and hazel eyes, she was crazy, but always fun company. Finnly, is my guy best friend, he's always been there for me, I tell him everything I know I can trust him, he's actually really hot. Then there was Brady, he was skinny stick, he has a brown flick. He's the 'class clown'. He has a huge crush on Hayla, which is obvious to everyone, except her of course.

I flash back into reality, Zack did say he had a surprise but maybe turning up to the game was the big surprise.

Thanks x and yeah sure, don't b disappointed if I don't show up tho, Zack and I might b going somewhere

I'll be SO disappointed if you don't show up! ;)

I laugh at her reply.

So seeing as I had nothing else to do except listen to bad tunes in the car, I got out in the yucky rain and ran to the hallways, I don't know what I was expecting to do or see, there would be no reason for anyone to be here on a Saturday. I frolic amongst the hallways filled with plain old lockers, in search of something to catch my eye. No teachers seemed to be here, nor students, besides me obviously. I was stranded.

There were few things I could do, study in the library, go out onto the field (but that would make my hair dreadfully frizzy). So I did what any other musical freak would do, I decided to go to the music room which was a struggle, as it was all the way at D block, which was the other side of school.

As I head into the music room, I find myself with a electric white guitar in my hands, I start strumming helplessly to Time and Place by Last Dinosaurs.

'No one's cool all the time, sometimes not at all

Treasure hunt, hope you'd find what you're looking for

Nikola, we gotta make a difference

Nikola, we gotta make a difference

Everywhere that you cruise

Every world that you rule

Every line that you say

Has its time and its place'

I sing loudly, my lungs burning. I keep strumming to the sound of the drums. The drums. The drums were beating in my head. But they weren't. I stopped playing immediately. I turned around quickly screaming frightened. Only to find a boy strumming his pencil on his desk to the beat of the song.

'Oh my gosh! You scared me!' I said my heart beat pulsing. He smirks, he had dirty blonde messy curls on top of his head. Hazel sparkling eyes. Cheeky grin. He wore a red flannel as he sat slouched on the desk, two pencils in each hand, the ones he used to 'drum'. Who was this boy?

'Your a great singer, and player.' He nods towards the electric guitar strapped around me. I cough awkwardly. He'd heard me sing, this was getting very embarrassing.

'Um, how long have you been here?' I pray to the heavens he hadn't been there the whole time. He smiled revealing a dimple on his cheek.

'You have nothing to be embarrassed about you were great.' I was feeling very flattered from so many compliments coming from this strange boy. 'But honestly, did not see this coming. Emily MacPherson, the most popular girl at school dating that idiot boyfriend, Zack, is it? Who cares about no one but himself. The girl who never has time for anything, because she's always either studying, participating in leadership school activities, or doing something else ridiculous that never involves fun. But hey, you surprised me, congratulations.'

'Excuse me?'

'I mean it's obvious your too uptight to do anything 'radical''.

I scoff at his comments, this charming boy had turned into a monster by each second passing. How dare he have the nerve to speak to me like that, making false assumptions. How would he care to know anything about me anyway.

'Oh, so now you know my whole life story do you now? You think you can figure someone out that easily, just by their damn reputation. Sure I'm uptight most of the time, but dammit I get good grades and you'll be the one complaining when it comes to college. Sure, I'm busy all the time, maybe because I like putting people before me. Ever thought of that? You don't know nothing about me or my life, so piss off, okay!' I yell, my cheeks flushed. This boys ticked me off real well. He's face was white pale, for a second I almost felt sorry for raging at him. But then he started smiling nodding.

'See, there you go, doesn't it feel good to lose your dignity for a moment and just let go. Trust me, you feel better getting it out. I know you do. I used to have the same problem. See how much more fun it is?' He says, rushing his hands through his hair. I look at him confused.

'Wait so you didn't mean anything that you said back there before about me dating an idiot and everything?'

'Course not dear, just heard that from some jocks the other day, never would believe it though, you seem like a cool girl.' He smiles. He pulls out his hand offering me to shake it.

'My names Ashton Irwin.'


'Emily MacPherson, I know.'

I take a deep breathe peering around the room. 'So what are you doing here anyway?' I question curiously.

'Got detention for beating up some kid the other day in the hall.' He kicks at the ground like what he has just said didn't bother him. I look at him shocked, am I safe here with him?

'Don't worry.' He smirks. 'Your safe, I'm not going to hurt you.' He said as though he had read my thoughts. 'I only did it because he was calling his so called 'girlfriend' nasty crap, I saw he was about to punch her, so I took her place, and took a swing at him instead. Win lose situation I guess?' He stares at the ground biting his lip. Ashton seemed like a really sweet guy.

I packed up the guitar and places it in another room and came back to see him sitting in the exact same position. He looked up at me reassuming me to leave. But, I mean where else could I go?

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