Chapter 1

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::::::::::::: Pennywise's POV :::::::::::::::

I arrived on a plant. I don't know what planet but all I see is grass, trees, a dirt path and the dark sky that has stars and a round thing that's white. I look down and see that I'm wearing some type of clothes. I move my arms and put my hands up to my face and see that my hands are dirty. I put my hands on my head and feel hair. As I put my hands down I look to where I landed. Looks like some rock hit the ground and dragged just a couple of feet to stop. I then hear a noise and look to my left to see lights.

"Is anyone out there?" Something or someone shouted as they come close to me

I smelled them and they're fear wasn't really good so I waited until I could see their face. I see one person or thing there on an animal. They stopped right in front of me

"Well what happened to you kind sir" the person or thing asked

"I was walking and that's all I can remember" I said looking confused and lost

"Well then I'll take you back to my home and we'll help you out" the person or thing said

"What is this animal" I asked looking at the animal with a confused look

"A horse sir. Now hop on" he said as he patted the back of it

I hopped on and then we were on our way back to his home. He told me a couple of things to help me with my "memory lost" which is called amnesia here on planet earth. We got to his so called home and into a barn where the horse belongs. We enter the home and I have to admit. I'm amazed by where he lives.

I heard someone walking down the stairs

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I heard someone walking down the stairs. I saw a woman who is fat but her husband told me she is pregnant and that there's a baby in there that grows in a woman's belly for nine months apparently. He even told how baby's were made and I felt my cheeks heat up. But other than that he's told me some other things.

"Who's this man Francis" the woman asked pointing at me

I sniffed to smell her fear and her fear was weird. She was afraid she would die when she gives birth. Just like her husband is afraid that she'll leave after she gives birth.

"I don't know if he remembers his name. Do you remember your name sir" Francis asked me while looking at me

I tried thinking of many names and one just one popped into my head "Bill is my name" I said looking at the both of them

"Alright Bill um are you hungry I could get a chief to cook something for you" the woman asked

"Uh I don't know what's there?" I said as I put my hands in my pockets

"Well we'll have them make some soup" she said and walked off

"Now I need someone to be at the stables to help out my horses" Francis said as he looked at me

"But I don't....."

Francis interrupted me "I know you don't remember but it's an easy job. You'll have a roof over your head, some food and other things"

"Alright" I said

The woman came out and walked up to me. She grabbed my hand the basically dragged me to a room with a huge table

 She grabbed my hand the basically dragged me to a room with a huge table

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I sit down at the end as the woman sits next to me. A person comes out with a bowl and something in it. He puts it down in front of me and I look at it.

"This is soup. It's really good" the woman said

I looked at her then looked back at the "soup". I picked up a spoon and then had a bite of the soup. It's good but not what I was really hungry for, I still at the soup as the woman watched me.

"My name is Aura. Which means breeze" she said rubbing her belly

"What about the baby" I said as I pointed to her belly

"If it's a boy we'd name him Bence which means the one who'd conquered and if it was a girl we'd name her Stella which means 'star'" she said as she looked at her belly

I kept staring at her belly and I can sense that it's a girl but I didn't want to give it away since she wants it to be a surprise. She looked at me and took my hand bringing it to belly. I feel the baby come close and respond by putting their hand where my hand is. I smiled.

"She really likes you" Aura says as she looked up to me

"What?" I asked confused as she just giggled

"I have a feeling that it's a girl" she said smiling

"Well what if it's a boy" I said pulling my hand away as I continue to eat my soup

"I know it's not a boy. I know it's a girl" she said still smiling

~ a month later ~

I got settled on Earth and in Francis house well mansion. I was brushing the horse as Francis was still helping me. We were talking until one of the butlers came to the stables out of breath and a worried look on his face.

"What is it Hans" Francis asked annoyed since Hans likes to pull 'pranks'. I'm still trying to understand that one

"It's your wife............she's having the baby now" he said and fell to the ground. Man he really was tired and out of breath. I looked at Francis and he looked at me with big eyes. We both dropped everything and ran off to the mansion. We got inside and to Francis and Aura bedroom as we saw maids holding her two legs bending her knees and holding her hands. Aura looked really pale and sweating a lot

"Dad will Mom be alright" a voice was heard behind me

"Take Felix down stairs Bill" Francis said as he ran to his wife's side

I did as I was told and waited with Felix for his baby brother or sister.

~an hour later~

Francis came down stairs with a pink blanket and it was rapped around something.

"I want you two to meet Stella" Francis said as he tried not to cry

"What about Mom" Felix asked with a worried look

"She's gone" Francis said and broke down crying. He was about to fall to the floor but I ran to him and took Stella from him and let him fall to his knees. I guess Aura fear did come true but this baby is gonna need to be protected.

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