When pennywise arrives to earth and learns a lot about use in the 1800s IT finds out that the man who took IT in is a noble and his wife is going to have a baby. When the baby arrives, IT watches the baby girl grow up and learns feelings from her. T...
People were sad that Sally died 10 years ago but Stella, Alfred and Felix could care less. Stella is now 17 and almost 18. She's really happy but not at the same time. She's with a guy name Steve who is going to propose to her on her birthday. She was basically forced into this relationship. But she still sneaks around and sees me behind her fathers back.
"Bill?" A sweet voice said
I stopped brushing Mia's hair and turned around to see Stella. I smiled at her but she didn't smile back.
"Tomorrow is my birthday" she said looking down
I lifted her head up to have her look at me. "I know and as much as I want to make your wish come true I just can't. It's to risky" I said
"Please bill don't make me show up to my birthday party" she said holding my hands to her face
"Your father will blame it on me that you ran away" I said holding her face
"I know" she said and then hugged me as I hugged back
~ the next day ~
Stella was eating cake with her family as I sat down at the very end. Away from my star. Steve then got down on one knee and proposed to Stella which pissed me off even more that I got up and left.
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I just kept on walking. I heard Alfred shout my name even Felix but I didn't look back. I found an entrance to the sewers and started to call it home as I made a little room for my in the center of the sewers and kept my food floating at the top.
~ 6 months later ~
That day when I left the mansion. Stella kept coming to the sewers to find me. Calling my name, crying even to where she fell asleep and I had to take her home. I wasn't my human self I was that clown from the circus. She would even call me pennywise when she was little because I did little shows for her after that day in the circus. Today was Stella's wedding and I thought about attending but I didn't think it would be a good idea. But I smell Stella's feelings and that she's very upset. She wants me to stop the wedding before she's forced to say I do. As I was staring at the kids floating above I heard the water splash around. I was confused so I turned around to see my star staring at me.
"Penny" she said holding a candle holder with a candle on it lit
"What are you doing here" I asked as I faced the other way
"I want to become immortal like you" she said
I was shocked and turned back around to face her. "What? Why?" I asked her
"Because I don't want to grow old. I don't want to lose you either" she said and walked up to me
My demon self growled and said to do it as it was taking over and then everything went black.
::::::::: Stella's POV :::::::::::
I was getting into my wedding dress.
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As I was. I thought about Bill and how he made me so happy. Also the day I found him in the sewers as he made me immortal.
"Miss. Someone is here to see you" Alfred said with a smile
I was looking down at my hands and not at the mirror. I didn't like my reflection because it reminded me of my mother. Felix showed me pictures of her.
"You look beautiful star" a deep voice said from behind me
I look up to see Bill standing by the door holding a rose while wearing a nice black suit. I ran up to him and hugged him as he hugged back. "I didn't think you'd stop by" I said hanging onto him
He giggled and held onto me. "I didn't want my star to wait any longer" he said as he kissed me on the cheek
I smiled and looked at him "what's my present besides the rose" I asked smirking
"Your gonna have to wait for that. I'll be giving it to you during the wedding" he said in his pennywise voice
~during the wedding~
I was looking for Bill to see what my present was but I could find anything. Not even him.
"Stella. Look at me and stop thinking about that stables boy" Steve said and turned my head to look him in the eyes
"I don't want to marry you" I said shouting so load probably the whole town Derry heard
"What did you say bitch" he said and pushed me to the floor.
I look to my right and saw a clown and the artist was even drawing him in
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Nobody else sawIt but me and the artist. I looked back to Steve to see he was about to hit me. Everyone gasp but my stepmom and father. I looked away and shouted "PENNYWISE"
Steve was confused and stopped I looked at Steve to see a tall figure standing behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. Steve'd turned around and screamed as the figure grabbed him and started eating him while everybody else was running off screaming but my brother and Alfred. I then grabbed my father as I felt I was very hungry and his fear was the best one to have while pennywise ate my step mother.
~after eating a lot of people~
I looked around the church to see a lot of blood and body parts here and there. I then looked at penny as he was his human self.
"Your free now my star" he said staring at me
"I guess I am huh" I said and smiled
I ran up to him and hugged him as he wrapped his arms around my hips spinning me around. He stop and set me down as then he kissed me. We ran out of the church as my brother and Alfred were behind us kind of terrified of what they saw but they stilled smiled for us.