Go Away Bella

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Cleo's POV

Recently two vampires have been entering our territory, we've scared them off each time. But they keep coming back and we don't know why. One is a guy with dark skin and dread locks. The other we believe to be his girlfriend has red hair and they both have red eyes. Meaning they drink human blood, not animal blood. We are all on patrol today due to the double vampire threat.

We are patrolling the old Cullen territory when we smelt the guy with the dreads. But when we find him, he was with Bella. About to kill her as Sam stepped out of the tree line. "I don't believe it" the vampire says before taking off. Sam goes after him first and gets thrown into the air. Which spears the rest of us into action as we chase the vampire. Jacob stayed back to look into Bella's eyes, but doesn't imprint on her.

He catches up to us as I corner the vampire and attacks it first. We tear him apart and burn the pieces before heading back to Emily's. "You ok Sam? He hit you pretty hard" I ask as we reunite in our human forms.

"Yeah, I'm fine" he assures us.

"Sorry about Bella man" Embry tells Jake placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Look on the bright side, we got the vamp with the dreads" Jared states.

"And he's red headed girlfriend is next" Paul says high fiving Jared. "Assuming you can catch her" he adds looking at me and I growl.

"Don't blame me, the bitch is fast and I am improving" I snap.

"Wow, it's been ten whole minutes since you two had this discussion" Embry states.

"Calm down all of you, we should be celebrating and remain on alert. Not arguing" Sam reminds us and we bow our heads. Just then Emily comes out of the house looking worried. "What's wrong Emily?" Sam asks wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Bella told her dad about seeing huge wolves, now his organized a hunting party to track you all down and kill you" she explains. We all look at Jacob who shrugs holding his hands up in surrender.

"We'll just have to be more careful when hunting the red is all" I assure them.

"Yeah, besides Harry will cover our tracks if he sees any" Embry adds.

"We'll head back out tomorrow morning" Sam tells us. "We'll pick you and Jake up tomorrow from your house" Sam tells me. Jake and I nod our heads before leaving.

"You ok Jake, I now you wanted to imprint on Bella. So you wouldn't have to lie to her, like I do my two best friends" I tell him. I've avoided all contact with Amanda and Ricky since I told them would be living here from now on. I miss them dearly, but I can't risk their lives.

"Yeah, I'll get over it" he says with a forced smile. But I could see his brain working. "Come on, we're both knackered and need a decent night sleep before tomorrow" he adds wrapping an arm around me. We reached home and had dinner before having an early night.

(Next morning) still Cleo's POV

It's raining as Jacob and I leave the house to meet the others. But before we could leave Bella arrived in her truck. "Jacob! You cut your hair off? And got a tattoo? I thought you were to sick to come outside or pick up the phone when I call" she tells him.

"Go away Bella" he tells her and we go leave when she grabs his arm.

"What?" she asks.

"My cousin, said to go away" I tell her sternly and Jake nods his head.

"What happened to you? Did Sam and Cleo get to you? Is that what's happening?" Bella asks Jake.

"No Sam's trying to help me! Don't blame him or Cleo! But if you want to blame someone blame your little bloodsucking friends of yours, The Cullens" Jake says.

"I don't..." she tries to lie.

"You can lie to your father, but not to me Bella" Jake tells her sternly.

"Jacob, Cleo!" Embry calls and we turn to see the others at the tree line.

"Jake you can't break up with me, I mean your my best friend. You promised never to hurt me" Bella tells him.

"Yes, I promised I was never going to hurt you, and this is me keeping that promise. Go home, and don't come back, or else you're going to get hurt" Jake tells her. We then leave her there standing in the rain and meet the others. We all shift once out of Bella's sight and run off to begin patrol in pairs. Sam with Paul, me with Jared and Jacob with Embry.


Picture above of the wolf pack (Embry, Paul, Sam, Jared and Jacob) minus Cleo. Picture on the external link of Jacob telling Bella to go home or she'd be hurt.

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