The News

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Cleo's POV

I'm sitting in Emily's house watching the news. The others are at school or on patrol. Except for Seth, who is still being home schooled by Emily. "What'cha watching?" Seth asks jumping over the couch and landing beside me.

"The news" I state.

"Boring" he says.

"Not really, a kid called Riley Beers went missing nearly a year ago and still hasn't been found. Now other young people are going missing and there's been reports of animal attacks in Seattle" I tell him.

"Animal attacks? As in vampires?" he asks.

"Maybe, I wonder if the Cullens know" I say.

"I'm sure they do, it'll deal with it if their leaders don't" he assures me. "Have you told the others?" he asks.

"Not yet, besides it hasn't left Seattle and that's not in our territory. But I'll let Sam know, so that he can keep an eye on it. Like I have been doing" I tell him. Just then Sam enters the room and the others return from school. "Sam check this out, I recorded it last night" I state rewinding the news and pressing play. The others all watch and start to grow mad.

I turn it off when it finishes. "So what's the plan Alpha?" Seth asks.

"We keep an eye on it, that's all we can do" he states. "Now we have to start preparing for the camp fire. It's in a week" he reminds us. Emily, Sue and I are in-charge of the food. This will be my first time at a pack bonfire. It's were the elders tell us stories of our ancestors. Sam leaves to go talk to Emily in the kitchen.

"Jacob, can you stop obsessing?" Quil asks him. Yeah, Quil finally joined the pack a few days ago. He has chocolate brown fur, which is lighter on the face. Sam jokes, it reflects his sweet personality.

"Let me guess? Bella again?" I ask annoyed.

"Who else?" Embry says.

Ever since that day in the forest Jacob has refused to speak to Bella. Ignoring all her phone calls, making sure he's away when she comes over with her dad to visit. But listens to all her voicemail messages. Keeps thinking about if he should call her or not. It got so annoying, I've started to block his thoughts out of my head.

I mean, get real. She isn't his imprint, so her turning into a vampire shouldn't concern him so much. Even if they are friends. Speaking of imprints two others had found theirs. Jared found his to be a nice girl called Kim. While Quil found out Emily's two year old niece Claire Young is his imprint. Right now he's just being a big brother and protector. Paul is a little jealous Quil found his imprint before him. But he's over it.

"Jacob wasn't one of your sisters completing college soon?" I ask.

"Yeah Rachel, but not for another three months" he states. I'd spoken to Rachel and Rebecca on the phone a few times. Even Skyped them. But have yet to meet them in person. So I was looking forward to Rachel completing uni and coming to stay with us for awhile. She and her sister know nothing about shifters. But we plan on keeping them in the dark, unless someone imprints on them.

"Cleo, it's time for you, Embry and Quil to go on patrol" Sam states entering the room.

"Come on you two" I call as I leave the room. I undressed and shift behind a tree before coming out. 'You two go patrol the cliffs, howl if you need me' I tell them. They nod their heads and leave. I then start to patrol the forest.

As our patrol time was coming to an end I hear Sam howl. Quil and Embry reply with their own howls. I return my own howl before racing to the meeting spot. Once the pack was all gathered, Sam speaks. 'Billy got a call from Carlisle, the red haired vampire is coming this weekend. Saturday night in fact, so we're going to work together to try and catch her. But staying on our own territories' he explains.

'We are ready' Leah tells him and we all agree with her.

'What about me?' Seth asks.

'You are going to stay here with Leah and protect the tribe' Sam states. Leah goes to argue, but he glares at her. 'The rest of us will hunt this Victoria with the vampires' he says. Then dismisses us. Having Jared and Paul take over patrol.


Gif above of Embry and Quil howling together.

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