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I walk/waddle towards the ice skating ring

'Your going to have fun tonight' i say to myself really not in the mood for this

"Come on savannah" my best friend Tasha calls

"I'm coming" i waddle faster

We get on the ice and its like i was trained in ice skating it's like walking to me

I really didn't want to come today because i knew this was what it was going to be like

I look ahead at and her boyfriend Blake who by the way invited himself last minute and I'm pissed

But I'm gonna stay quiet and skate

"Hey Sav wait up" i slow down "lets take pictures you didn't think I would bring him and not put him to good use did you?"

"I was hoping not" i glare at him getting ready for the picture "this will go perfect with my insta theme"

"Great" she says skating off with him

I'm tired of skating alone so i start to make my way to the benches

Skating off someone softly holds my wrist

I pull it turning

"I love that rbf you got there"
Resting bitch face

"Thanks" i laugh

Just like that we're talking

"Can you actually skate"

"Yeah" I said to this guy

"Can you teach me?" Honestly I really wanted to get the hell out of there

"Sure" I hold out my hand

"My names Zion by the way"

"Savannah" i say as he takes my hand " ok so left then right"

After a while he starts to let go of the side

"How old are you?" He looks over at me

"17 you ?"


"So where you from?" i ask him noticing his accent


"I've always wanted to live there"

"Really? Well I'm going back soon"

"I'm coming with" i joke

We link arms as he fully lets go of the side

"What brings you to England?"

"Everything really I just love traveling"

"Cool" i say having no experience in talking to boys




We have been together for an hour and honestly we know quite a lot about each other

Why do I trust you? (Zion Kuwonu)Where stories live. Discover now