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"Subject #1:

Name: Zack Fair


.Previously Shinra's SOLIDER agent 1st class


.Subject was brought semi-alive by Deepground member Nero after the Shinra army had left him for died on Midgar's outskirts

Previous Experimentation involvement:

.SOLIDER – Success
.Jenova Reunion Theory – Failure
.Super SOLIDER Theory – Failure

Current Experiment:

.Omega Theory


.The subject's previous experimentation with Jevona S cells was a complete failure but gave room for further possibilities.

.The subject's life force has successfully returned after a long two-year wait and seemed in a stable coma-like state in the Mako chamber.

.Ten days after the Jenova S cell experimentation, the subject still has immunity to it even after a lengthy period.

. Leftover G cells from the Jenova G project were enhanced and successfully fused with the subject, but there is still no reaction after fifteen days of wait.

.Farther experimentation with the subject with the same experiments that were used on Deepground proved futile. The subject's previous experimentations have left no room for scientific growth.

.Due to the subject's ever-so stubborn Will, plans for using it as a plan C vessel were dropped.

Overall Results:

. A complete failure and waste of time..."

Shelke finally finished reading out the summarized report about the experiments on Zack to the group that sat, paying full attention to every word she said.

"Hojo didn't even give the dead a break from his thirst for horrible and frightening experiments" Vincent, leaning on a wall far from the gathered group, added his opinion on the mad scientist's crazy ambitions.

Shelke flipped over the papers in her hand for the following report on Aerith "Shall I continue?" She asked the group, who replied with a nod, to which she continued.

"Subject #2

Name: Aerith Gainsborough


.Local Flower seller in Midgar
.Last known Cetra


.The subject was retrieved from the bottom of the forgotten capital's lake by Deepground member Azul. Thankfully, the subject was still fully intact, minus the damage inflicted by Sephiroth.

Previous Experimentation involvement:

.The Promise Land Theory – Incomplete due to the subject's escape
.Breeding Theory – Incomplete due to both subjects escaping

Current Experiment:

.Omega Theory


.The subject seems to suffer from SCI (Spinal Cord Injury) due to Sephiroth's attack.
.The subject successfully regains its life signs after two years and 28 days but is in a coma-like state.
.Injections from either Jenova cells S and G proved a failure due to the Cetra's nature.
.Using the subject's abilities to establish connections to either lifestream or Omega failed miserably.
.Using the subject's abilities to locate the Proto materia proved to be a failure as well.
.Mako injections and experiments were quickly rejected due to the subject's stubbornness and Will.
.Attempts to re-create remnants of the subject also failed.

Overall Results:

.A complete failure..."

Shelke ended her reading with a positive reaction from the rest of the group.

"Heehee never thought I'd be happy to hear about myself being a failure," Zack joked, easing the other's doubt on him and Aerith being imposters and putting them to rest permanently.

Cloud was mostly happy about it; the joy showed in his slightly smiling face. So the pair in front of him weren't fakes, and he could finally enjoy the reunion in peace. "Glad to hear that," he finally said after a long evening of silence on his part and relaxed in his seat.

Reeve cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "Yes, that is good news indeed. So maybe we could finally celebrate like this evening was intended?" he turned his attention to Tifa, who nodded in agreement.

"Yeah! All this running around and worrying made me thirsty," Barret added with a laugh on his end.

Tifa stood up, hands on the table and a smile on her face. "Drinks are on the house!" she teased as she headed to the back of the bar and brought a tray of drinks for everyone.

Vincent, who had been standing a fair distance from the group, finally joined in. Taking the vacant seat next to the usually loud Wutai woman and took his glass from Tifa like everyone else.

The bar was now filled with happy chatter amongst the group of friends present. Most members were getting to know Zack a little better now and about his crazy adventures escaping Shinra's army with Cloud. He, in turn, also got to know the friends and their adventures to stop Sephiroth and the Meteor.

Moments later, the chatter died down after hearing the sound of glass chiming reached their ears; their attention now focused on Cloud, who tapped his untouched glass with a small spoon. After he was sure that all eyes were on him, he stood up and lifted his glass. "I'm not one for speeches and all, but I have something I'd like to say." His eyes wandered around all his friends' faces, finally making contact with Zack and Aerith's. "I... would like to formally welcome both Zack and Aerith after years of separation. And I hope that you're here to stay this time." he exchanged a smile with the two before continuing, "With the help of Reeve, Cid, and the WRO in general, we hope to help Aerith recover from her injury soon as well. Cheers"

"CHEERS!" the whole group cheered, not including Zack and Aerith, chiming their glasses with one another in celebration.

Tifa, at this time, felt guilty for accusing Zack of the Nibelhiem incident and how cold she was to him before, but in her defense, his prank earlier did cause her to overreact. She exchanged a glance with the Ex-SOLIDER and received a warm smile from him, assuring her that he didn't hold it against her, gesturing for her to forget it and start over. She couldn't help but smile back at him; it was hard to stay angry at the cocky 'hero.' And she did owe him one for pulling a smile back on her anti-social boyfriend anyway.

An hour later, Tifa glanced at the clock hanging on her bar wall and frowned. It was past nine-thirty, and the kids weren't back from collecting candy. She dug into her pocket and pulled out her cell phone, flipping it open; no text or missed calls were listed on the screen, which worried her even more. She tapped Cloud's shoulder to draw his attention. "Cloud, they aren't back yet." she then showed him the lack of messages on her phone, and he nodded.

"I'll go look for them. They probably just lost track of time." Cloud replied quietly to Tifa, placing his half-empty glass on the counter, and made his way to the front door, which got Zack's attention, and he followed suit.

When he got outside, he quickly caught up with his blond friend. "Hey, Where are you going at this time?" Zack questioned his friend in his natural, carefree tone.

"Nowhere in particular, just looking for the kids." Cloud replied and, after a while, received a firm pat on the back from the spiky black-haired man.

"You sneaky Marlibo! How come you didn't tell me that before?" Zack sounded overly excited and patted his friend's back even harder than Cloud almost lost his balance. "So are they yours and Tifa's?"

"What? NO! Are you drunk? We aren't married!" Cloud looked away, hiding his blush as he carefully explained, "We are only watching over them. One's Barret's and the other is an orphan I found while visiting Aerith's Church".

"Huh, so... you skipped a step and became parents directly? That's so unlike you Cloud. I used to know you as the shy, unsociable guy, but look at you know! You're a dad!" Zack teased with a laugh, resulting in him receiving a punch to the shoulder from his embarrassed companion.

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