Chapter 7: The Awakening

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When Juvia woke up, she was in a place she had never seen. It was an odd little home in the woods.

Juvia was lying on a small bed near a counter top. She opened her eyes (which took alot of effort) and saw she was in a one room house made of.. IN a tree. Just then she heard something, her eyes darted to the noise. A woman with pink hair tied hard to make a bun was chopping vegetables to make a soup. She had a long red cape with a huge collar that had bones sticking out of it.

The woman must have known thst Juvia was staring at her, so she turned around. To Juvia's shock, she was an old woman with a hard glare and many wrinkles.

"Who are.."

"Don't talk, it takes up to much energy" she snapped.

"But.." suddenly, Juvia felt a sharp sting in her gut, she winced.

She tossed all the vegetables and poured some beverage in a large brown cup walked in her direction and gave her the cup.

"I told you child, now before consider how and why I brought you in my home, tell me what happened".

Juvia didn't know wether to trust her, in fact she didn't know her at all, but something told her she can be trusted. After all, based on the fight she had with those two wizards, she remembered blacking out. They could have beat her to death, or let some other wizards take her to The Ten Wizards Saints and decide how should they plan her death. This woman has saved her life.

The woman told her to stop talking a second ago, but now she expected Juvia to sum up the whole story?

Juvia took a deep breath and told her everything, starting with the job request she offered Gray to the moment she blacked out and woke up here.

"Juvia Locksar, now I remember, you were at Phantom Lord, you and your guild destroyed the Fairytail home, you and your guild almost killed those three from Shadow Gear, and you and your guild almost killed Makarov!!".

She stood up only to give Juvia the glare of her life.

Just then Juvia felt an overwhelming gust of wind push her against the bed.

Juvia had already spent an entire year facing the mistakes she has made. She really has changed, and feels bad about what she did. For the first month in Fairytail, nobody trusted her, some people in the Fairytail still refuses to forgive her, well... Not Gray. Gray is her best friend, role model, lover, and allie. She shook her head and put those memories away.

Juvia's head started to get even
dizzier, she didn't want to go through this pain, not again, not now. Juvia could barely speak, but she swallowed hard and managed to say.

"Juvia apologizes, she is really and truly sorry, back then... You see... I have changed... Really I ha-...".

Then the old woman started to laugh.

'HahahahHA -HAHAHA," she laughed so much, there were tears in her eyes."I knew I could break that silly little spell on you, and WHEW did it take alot of my magic, but now you are saved".

Juvia jaw hit the bed.

"What do you mean Juvia was under a spell, no wa-...".

"Although the spell was really powerful, it made all the things that has happened to you, all of the hard empacts that happened in your life, it build up all that anger and depression and it made you turn evil without you realizing".

Juvia could not believe what she was hearing.

"This must be hard to take in all at once, but you are safe now, well not completely, but those two wizards are coming after you, Jose wants revenge, starting with you apparently".

"Makarov told me if I ever saw you to say that Gray and Erza are looking for you after the months that have gone they are looking again. He said that Gray really misses you".

Juvia blused.

She remembered Gray, his stunning black hair that falls into place perfectly, his dark blue eyes that make Juvia blush and feel warm inside.

"........" Juvia bolted out of bed (thank goodness the lady have but back her blue dress) and ran straight through the door.

"Wait child, you stubborn little fool, you haven't healed yet!!" she knew she wouldn't listen, let alone look back, but Juvia's heart was in the right place, and she knew that. So she smiled at Juvia who was running through the woods starting the search for Gray Fullbuster.

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