Chapter 8: Soaring Through the Sky

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"Get off your lousy butt NOW!" Rei screamed at Wilber for trying to having a 5 second break on a nearby rock.

Wilber jumped to his feet, his hands in the air.

"Ok, ok I'm off the rock," he said akwardly as he caught the pace off his guild member "what got you in such a bad mood anyway?."

She gave him a hard glare.

"Are you serious right now?! Now not only could we get kicked out of our guild, but we could be killed Wilber! And this STUPID forest is going to take the blame! I can't see or find anything here! I can't sense her, I don't see any footprints and this map is useless!" She yelled, crunching the map in her hands, tossing it on the dirty ground, and stomping on it ferociously.

Instead of Wilber taking a few steps back, he stepped forward and hugged her.

She was so surprised she forgot how mad she was as his arms wrapped around her, his lips against her vibrant purple hair.

"Love, I am sorry, please forgive me. I know this is tuff, but we have to keep strong. "He took a deep sigh, than smiled "You know, Phantom Lord was pretty surious about this."

"Of course I know, what's your point?."

"If we accomplish this quest, he will reward us."

"Jewels, hundreds of jewels!."

"Maybe he will even put us in S-class!".

She backed away from him.

"What if we don't" Rei said, with a scared voice Wilber has never heard before.

He shrugged.

"That'll never happen," he said "now, back in the hunt. You said you remember the fight somewhere around here?"

"Yes," she pointed to her right, to an empty valley "I am positive."

They walked to the hill, searching everywhere for her and was shocked to not find her anywhere.

"How can this be?," Rei yelled, or in other words using her normal tone "she was unconscious and we were gone for less than half a day!".

"Careful Love, it is not wise to underestimat* you enemy. Now Rei, can you please give us a lift?".

"Wilber, you now I haven't been practicing, very much".

"Please?" He said, while looking at her directly in the eye. Darn it, she thought, the one thing she can't resist.

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you".

Rei closed her eyes, and they shot up into the sky as fast as a bullet.

She opened one of her eyes to check where they are, but once she got a look they, were way going too high, dangerously high.

She changed directions, and brought them back down as fast as she brought them up, but she stopped as soon as they could get a clear sight of the valley.

She took a deep sigh. Well, that was a disaster.

"Look Wilber, I am still new to......," Rei told him, but stopped as soon as she saw his hair. It was straight up and all spiky, and his faceful* expression was even worse, he looked like he just went through Tartus* and back. She was scared to, but she looked up at her own hair and felt embarrassed. Her braid shot up her head and made it seem like she was half human half unicorn." Oh, gosh sorry Wil-".

"It's fine, my fault for asking, just don't never do that again". He looked tramatized.

She gave him a smug little smile like,and was about to say that's what you get, but for once she held her tongue.

"Of course, but look down, I got us at just the right angle."

The each dark green tree they saw was the size there finger, each lake was the size of her palm. Each small house, building or city was the size of a soccer ball, which should have been the size of multiple soccer fields. She felt like a giant, she felt, for the first time, in charge.

"Nice going Rei!" And gave her a high five.

"Thanks, but let's see if we can find any trace of Juvia. Phantom Lord said she cries up a river, literally, when she is upset, and after that "encounter" with us, there is now way she is going to be feeling anything that is not misery".

Her eyes wandered across the forest untill she saw a small and narrow current of water, that led to a large tree, than disappeared.

She grined,and straightened her hair down again, and did the same for Wilber.

When she was done, she pointed at the small stream.

He gave her a nod.

She, carefuly, sended them down and in front of a house in a tree with such force, they knocked the door down (just what she was hoping for).

She death glared the woman with pink hair inside.

"Where is Juvia Locksar?".


Sorry for the wait guys!!

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