Chapter 12: Phantom Lord

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"How... how did you see through that illusion?!" Wilber stuttered, then snapped his fingers into his original form.

"I am not naive, Wilber. You may have had the identical appearance as Gray, but when it came to the personality of what you choose Gray to act like, is was lacklustre; your playing no ones fool" Juvia said so powerfully, she felt like she was towering over him.

Instead of curling into a ball and giving up like Juvia had hoped for, he stood up, wiping his clothes clean and  chuckled at her.

"This isn't over yet Rain Woman, I didn't come here just to trick you"

"Indeed. If you came here to fight then bring it on. You'll pay for hurting Lucy, Wilber"

"She'll be fine"

"You really don't care about others do you? Will that's expected actually, knowing that you come from an evil guild"

"So did you"

"I choose to leave. You should do the same"

"And leave Jose to hunt me down? Tear me limb from limb? No thanks, and anyway, I have worked to hard to just quit the guild, evil or not. You know how long it took me to find you and our guild?"

"Don't wanna know, can we get this over with, I got places to be, and I really wanna hurt you"

"Like to get back to that pink haired witch? Please" he complained with a deepened voice "That scaly witch saved you from my spell, good thing me and Rei took care of her"

Juvia's eyes grew dark.

"What did you do to her?!" She yelled.

"Not me my dear, we" once those words left his mouth, suddenly everything surrounding the hill, most of the trees, bushes, logs, everything in the eye could see suddenly turned into people, hundreds of men and woman all facing us; all facing me.

I don't remember Phantom Lord having this many recruits. And all this time, they had been here? Wilber; his power is mind manipulation, that's how he made himself turn into Gray, made me think only evil, and made my eyes see only what he wanted me to see, the forest.

They all climbed the hill, some with huge axes, others swords, or some with there hands facing her; preparing a spell. They all circled around me with their ghoulish faces, and leading to evil pack was Rei. The anger in her soul burned and she quickly placed a spell on her. But apparently Rei had learned from their previous fight and deflected her spell with a just a wave of her arm.

I stumbled, and fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

"Not gonna work Juvia" Rei said "Your cornered, no more tricks up your sleeve, and more important,no one to save you."

"Indeed, Rei" suddenly out of the pack of furious people, came a man that I fear the most, the leader of Phantom Lord, Jose Porla. He looks just as life threading as I remember. "Good job Rei, Wilber, you have completed the mission, now you may go. But Wilber, before you go, just remember to never listen to Juvia; her mind has been brainwashed into what she now thinks about" As I rolled my eyes at the cruel lie Jose told him, I wondered what else he was told to both Wilber and Rei that was a lie.

While Rei and Wilber went to the middle of the pack, I tried to contain the fear I felt over Jose. I need to survive this.

"We have been looking for you for a while Mrs Locksar" Jose explained "Even when those two fools ruined my plan, all is left is to try to convince you my dear"

"Convince me what!?"

"To join us once again. And I promise you, this time we will take Fairytail, and each and everyone of the members of that ratchet guild"

"Give me one good reason why I should"

"Because unlike Fairytail, we care about you Juvia. When I first saw you hiding from society and everybody who has ever spoke to you, put aside and ignored of what I or others thought you, and instead welcomed you with open arms to my guild. You then met Gajeel, you new people which quickly turned into friends; you had a family who accepted you. That's not the same in Fairytail"

"Yes, yes it is. Fairytail is everything to me. As much as you are right and the friends I met, I have met others in Fairytail. Nether the less, Phantom Lord isn't half the guild Fairytail is and I would rather die than betray them"

"Fine then so be it!" Jose screamed and placed his spell on Juvia in less then a second, but before it could take effect, a sword flew through the sky violently and landed on Jose foot, piercing through this shoe all the way through his toe.

As Jose howled in agony and clutched his foot, the wielder of the sword flew down from the sky, carrying someone along with them.

Erza flew down to the hill in her magnificent Black Wing and carrying along Gray, and they both landed right on their feet and circled me, protected me from the Phantom Lord members and Jose.

Erza raised her hand to the sky and a new pitch black sword appeared in her hand and she pointed it threateningly at Jose.

"You picked on the wrong guild Jose. Again"

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