Chapter 3: The Questionable

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~*~Mr.L's P.O.V.~*~
~*~Timeskip into the kitchen~*~              
"Man,I can't believe that Junior is allowing this obese turtle to feed him,much less take a hold of his affection this way. I have to do something or else the super mario universe will drastically change,amd probably forever. What am I going to do?" I frantically ask myself as Junior and this knock-off TMNT vasually stroll towards the kitchen table,each with an omlet and coffee in tow.     
~*~Bowser's P.O.V.~*~
"So tell me,Green bean,what happened last night that was so bad that you didn't want to go home?I mean,I bet Mario's-"  "Don't,just please don't..."I trail off,visibly fighting back tears of infinite sizes. "Please don't what,talk about your brother? What happened?" I inquired,my individed attention acting as a spotlight on his distraught form. "I-I d-don't where to start." He replies,shaking like a leaf as tears he so desperately attempted to ward off silently fell down his pale,dirty face. "Oh sweet koopas and goombas above please tell me why my reptillian heart breaks so immensly for this little green bean of a plumber." I think to myself as I calmly put my dishes in the sink and slowly kneel at eye level beside him,smoothly wiping a tear with my hand as I gently help him into my bedroom. "Here,have a seat." I order him as I close the door behind us,soon pouring myself some wine and sitting myself across from him on my bed. "Just start where you remember the best." I tell him,leaning up against a pillow. "Ok." He answers,taking a breath and looking up at me with unsure sapphire eyes."I remember one day I was sitting at home with...him." He began,hatred and pain flashing in his eyes angrily."Who,Mario?" "Yes,Mario." "Anyways,we were sitting at home and he claimed that the pricess needed to be saved and left me alone at home. Well an hour or so later,while he was gone, I got a call from the princess herself. At first, I thought that she was just going to tell me that they were safe at her castle and was inviting me to a festival or something as per usual. But,oh boy,was I wrong or was I wrong?" "Oh no,what did she want instead?" I asked worriedly,and rightfully so. "You wouldn't believe it,instead she was aaking me where my now ex-girlfriend of a year and a half was at,because apparently she planned a tea party at,what I assume was whenever he went to "save" a princess. So, after a breif discussion,I agree to go look for her long lost guest. Can you guess where I found her,can you?" He went on,shaking furiously as he waited for my answer. "No,I honestly can't,where was she?" I replied,trying with every fiber of self control and strength to keep my cool for him. "I...found her...WITH HIM...At HeR cAsTlE!" he shrieks,his deep emotion riddled voice bouncing off of  my castle walls as I stare in disbelief at his raging form."Oh my goodness,I can only imagine what they were doing there." I replied,watching him unravel uneasily as I pour myself anotjer cup of wine. "I know,I was honestly super surprised myself,when I walked into the castle and seen it all unfold before my eyes." His eyes bulging  out of his sockets as he recalls it all with an unwanted ease. "What did you see?" I carry on with him,slowly becoming angry at the pair myself. "First,I saw her walking into the hallway beside her bedroom in a lacy sunflower yellow thong and matching bra with a burnt orange accent around the bottom of her breast and a shimmery pearly white see through gown barefooted with messy hair attempting to persuade...him to stay the night with him to no avail.Next,I quietly walked behind her,watching them walk hand in hand to the door and have a miniature make out session as she dresses him,no joke.Then,it happened...we broke up because she cheated on me with everybody's favorite plumber." He finishes as he slowly pulls himself away from my bed and drag himself away. "Woah,where are you going?" I ask,concern clear in my voice. "I guess I have to go deal with him,sorry for wasting your time. I know as a king,you're a very busy person,but thank you for at least trying to act like you care. You're a good actor,Bowser."  He answers me in a sad voice as he starts to reluctantly walk away from  me again. As his gloved hand caresses my doorknob, I grab his hand and turn him towards me. "Luigi,I know you may find this rather difficult to believe now,but I'm not acting. When you were telling me about what happened to you,I actually did get really angry about it,just like you. I've been in your shoes;as a result,I know exactly how you feel right now." I inform him,hoping my ,usually intinidating, eyes would reflect my words.
~*~ Luigi's P.O.V.~*~
Staring into his eyes, I coldly ask him,"Who,may I ask,made you able to relate to me all of a sudden?" After a moment of silence,he said the one thing that I never expected." Peach Toadstool,she cheated on me with the same person as your ex-girlfriend cheated on you with. In case you're wondering,it happened about a week before you and Daisy became an item." "Wow." I mouthed as I stared into his eyes, seeing the truth being told to me within his firey irises. "If you want,you can stay in a guest bedroom until you're ready to either get a home of your own or see him everyday again. It's up to you,though,Luigi." He offers,clearly hoping for some company. "Sure,I'd like that,Bowser...thanks."I reply,genuinely content for once in a long time. "Okay,well,for tonight I'm sure my dad might be able to whip something up for you to wear to bed tonight. Then,we'll go shopping for a new wardrobe and stuff tomorrow." He says as he casually leads me by the hand down a large hallway to a small wooden door with mysterious fumes of all colors flowing from beneath its edges. "Are you ready?"

Bittersweet Betrayal~Luigi X Bowser Where stories live. Discover now