Chapter 6

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For the second time, you woke up in the lab. Your eyes adjusted to the light to see the stained walls and floor, and the sounds of jars clinking together. You wiped away the salty tear tracks that were still on your face, and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. You stretched and yawned, then remembered that today was battle day. You sat bolt upright making the bed rattle a bit, and you heard Medic drop something into the sink. He was over at your side in seconds.

'How are you feeling? Sniper carried you here last night, he said zat you very, very tired. He said he does not know ze lock for your door.'

'Oh...' You breathed. 'Uh, I'm...I'm fine.' You smiled weakly at Medic, but he just looked at you sternly.

'Sniper told me how he had found you - you vere crying in a hallvay, veren't you?' He lifted your head by your chin to face him, and you nodded. 'Vhen Scout came back to ze room wizout you, he said zat Spy vas talking to you. After tventy minutes you still had not returned, Scout said zat you must have been feeling tired and gone back to your room.' He paused and you stared at each other for a while, recounting the game of truth or dare. You were thinking about how Scout was teasing you about kissing Medic...the image of the two of you in the lab came back into your mind once more. You wondered whether Medic was thinking the same thing, or whether he only thought of you as friends and was horrified by the thought of it.

'Vhat did zat Spy do to you?'

You were dragged back to the real lab by Medic's question. 'What?'

'Vhat did he do to you? Spy?' Medic asked again, and you shook your head.

'I...I c-can't.' You whispered, hanging your head.

'Don't be ridiculous. You can tell me, and I vill not judge you or tell anyvone else.' He said softly, placing his hands on your shoulders. 'I promise.'

You began to sob again as the whole story came pouring out of you - how it had been OK at first when he was just talking to you, then he had you up against the wall, kissing your neck and making you feel so uncomfortable, but of course, skipping over the part when some part of you had thought you wanted him. You even told him about how it reminded you of one of your old bosses. You ended your short story with Sniper finding you and telling you to relax, and by then you were crying again. Medic quietly listened to you before reaching an arm around you awkwardly, as if he didn't know whether to hug you or not.

'Please, don't cry...' He whispered to you as you leant your head on his chest. You heard a steady thump, thump that drowned out your crying. You breathed in deeply, just listening to his heartbeat for a while. He took this as a sign that it was OK to hug you, and he wrapped both his arms around you. He rocked you back and forth slightly, and you put your arms around his chest. As you did, you felt his heart skip a beat, then beat faster. You pulled away slightly and looked up at him, and he smiled back down at you. 'Somezink ze matter?'

'Your heartbeat rocketed when I hugged you.' You murmured placing your hand on his chest. Again you felt it hammer at his rib cage at breakneck speed, and he laughed nervously.

'I don't normally hug people.' He muttered, letting go of you.

'No, I didn't mean it like that!' You said, reaching back out to him. 'I was just...stating a fact...' But Medic had gone distant again, and instead of replying just passed you a pot of cream.

'Put zat on your bruise again.' He said, and went back over to his sink to organise some of his cabinets. You felt your heart fall, but you distracted yourself by smearing the cream on your cheek. You inhaled sharply when the cream made contact with your bruise, it was absolutely freezing. You winced and clamped your jaw shut, rubbing in the cream. Once you were done, you handed the pot back to Medic, who immediately busied himself with putting it away. You pulled open the door, then looked back at him.

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