Chapter 12

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Sniper's P.O.V (Monday)

I yawned as the second hand on my watch ticked towards 10:00 pm. I was sat on the roof, checking my scope every minute to see when Spy would reappear, hopefully with news of where (Y/N) was being kept. The comms had crackled on this morning whilst all the mercenaries were having breakfast - a ceasefire had been called. There wouldn't be any missions for about a week is what Miss Pauling had said.

This made it easier for our plan of action, we'd sneak out in the morning when the BLU team wouldn't be expecting us, grab (Y/N) from where they were keeping her and be out by about 5:00 am, maybe later. Then we'd tell them that we actually went to rescue (Y/N) because...well, it'd be a bit stupid if we'd claimed that she was released and she'd made her way back. Then they'd tell us what an amazing support team we are, throw a party in our and (Y/N)'s honour, et cetera et cetera. Then all would be back to normal, and Spy, Medic and I could finally stop worrying.

Well, almost normal. We still hadn't figured out one problem that may well lead us to kill each other. We didn't know which one of us (Y/N) would choose (if she did choose one of us in the end), or if she even liked any of us at all. I had always had the suspicion there was something going on between her and Medic as she ended up in his lab half the time, and I wasn't exactly sure where her relationship with Spy was at. She seemed to have mixed emotions for him. As for me...well, she probably thought of me as just a friend. The minimal amount of contact, she didn't often share anything about herself with me, she generally wasn't a very open person. I'd tried my best to subtly hint that I was into her - when I'd brushed against her back with my chest in rifle lessons, when I'd hugged her comfortingly and stroked her hair on the roof...she just didn't seem to return my affections, her heart probably belonged with someone else. Though, it is hard to fall in love with someone who kills people for a living - she probably thought of me as some mentally challenged, dark, twisted person. She didn't seem to mind killing as she shot down some of the BLU team in battle, but still...

A quiet whoosh came from somewhere below me, and I looked through my scope quickly. A bush rustled and pushed itself apart - an invisible person crept through, presumably Spy. He uncloaked as soon as he saw the coast was clear. I aimed the cross-scope by his feet, making the laser dance around slightly, and he looked up at me. I waved him towards a ladder to the roof, I'm pretty sure he knew it was a bad idea trying to sneak in through the blast doors.

He swiftly climbed the ladder and pulled himself up onto the roof, heading for the door immediately.

'Any luck with findin' info?'

His eyes gleamed as I asked him, and a wide grin spread across his face. 'Oh, oui, zey 'ave made it too easy!'

'Then ain't it a trap?'

'Non, zere are no sentries, no guards, zey do not suspect a zing! Come on, we are going to Medic's lab straight away!'

We sprinted down the corridors and past the rooms with snoring mercenaries sleeping in. We knocked on Medic's lab door three times, then again when he didn't answer.

'Medic!' Spy half whispered half yelled. He pressed his ear against the door for a moment. 'Medic, open up!' He banged his fist on the door more insistently, and the was a muffled yell and scuffle from inside. A few crashed later, the door opened and a dishevelled Medic stood in the doorway.

'Vhat do you vant at zis - Spy! Do you have information?' He was instantly awake, and he ushered us in quickly. Shutting the door as quietly as he could, he turned to Spy and shook his shoulders. 'Tell me you have ze information ve need!'

Spy wrenched himself from Medic's grip, straightening his suit. 'I 'ave everyzing we need to know.'

'Tell us then, you've kept me waitin' long enough!' I sighed, and laughed.

'I already told you, zey made it easy! We could get her out in a matter of minutes!'

'Zen is it not a trap?' Medic asked the same question I did.

'Zink about it! Ze ceasefire means zey 'ave lowered zeir defences, it's ze perfect time!'

'Actually, e's right.' I said, my brow furrowed. 'If we wait any longer...this could just be our only chance.'

'How are ve getting in?' Medic asked, and Spy's face lit up.

'C'est trop facile - I mean, eet ees too easy! Zey 'ave an old tunnel zey don't use anymore, she ees een a room at ze end of eet...ze window is barred, we can easily cut ze bars out and get in through zere. Especially eef I am in disguise.'

'Great! Medic 'n' I'll stay at the entrance to the tunnel, I can shoot anyone that gets near, Medic could probably give 'em cancer -

'Um, actually, zat's not how cancer vorks. Cancer is uncontrolled, I cannot make it unless - '

'Eenough biology lessons, Medic.' Spy said, exasperatedly. ''E means give zem some sort of disease with your gun, and eef necessary heal Sniper and (Y/N).'

'Oh.' Medic said, readjusting his glasses on his nose. 'I see.'

'Anyway, I was sayin' - we'll stay at the entrance, Spy, you go in and get 'er out. It'll be quick, and they wont notice she's gone!'

'So, ve have a plan. Vhat now?'

'We wait.' Said Spy simply. 'Until Wednesday, gentlemen.' He said, lighting a cigarette and striding from the room.

'Vhat if they've killed her?' Medic said in a low whisper, and I gripped the hilt of my kukri.

'Then we'll kill 'em.'

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