Chapter 11

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Medic's P.O.V

'Ve must do somezink! Even if it is just us!' I hit my hands on the table to emphasise my point. Sniper and Spy nodded in agreement.

'But what exactly can we do?' Sniper said in frustration. 'We don't know where they're keepin' 'er, she could be anywhere!'

'Exactly vhy I called you here.' I said, pressing the tips of my fingers together and leaning on my elbows. 'I have an idea.' The two of them stared at me. 'Ze first part involves you, Spy.'

'Me? What, you want me to go in zere alone?'

'No, dummkopf, of course not! I mean, disguise yourself as a BLU Spy for vone day, see if you can find anyzink about vere she is. Vhen you know enough, ve can attack zem, just zere, and avoid zem best.'

'Zat might just work.' Mused Spy, stroking his chin. 'But what about ze rest of ze team?'

'Forget 'em, they think she's not important. We can do this, just the three of us.' Sniper said determinedly, and I nodded.

'Sniper is right. Ze team zinks zey can sit around and do nozink vhile she is trapped zere. Ve must act fast.'

'Alzough, we must do it on a day we will not be missed.' Spy interjected. 'If ze team knows we want to get her ourselves, zey will not let us. We 'ave to pick a day when we are all free.'

'I'm on guard duty 'til next Wednesday.' Sniper said, somewhat apologetically. 'That's the best I can do. It give Spy a chance to...well, spy on the enemy first.'

I cringed at Sniper's joke, but his plan made sense. Today was Saturday, if Spy could go to the base on Sunday or Monday, we'd have time to make a strategy and equip before Wednesday - it could just work.

'OK, Spy, you vill go to ze BLU base tomorrow or Monday, find out vhat you can. Ve can plan on Tuesday, and hopefully get her back on Vednesday.' I said.

'It's a plan.' Sniper growled, and we left the Meeting Room, creeping back to our own rooms.

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