Sniper's ending

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'Roo, it's only me.' More knocks on the door. Even after five minutes, he hadn't gone away. With a long sigh, you went over to the door and opened it a crack.

'I was sleeping.' You lied, hoping that he might leave you in peace. You were still annoyed, but more than that, you were still confused. You looked past the sunglasses and into the eyes of the rugged bushman, and he smirked.

'I 'eard you mutterin' for the past few minutes.'

You sighed again. 'What do you want?'

'To see if you're alright. You know that I care for ya.'

'I just feel like being alone right now. Sorry.' You were closing the door when Sniper stuck his boot in the way, forcing it open.

'I'm not takin' no for an answer. You need someone to talk ta.' He said forcefully, pushing against the door. You sighed for something like the millionth time and relented, letting him into your room. He sat down on your bed, but you remained standing, your arms folded across your chest. 'So. What's botherin' ya?'

'You know what, Sniper!' You rolled your eyes. 'Scout asking questions I can't answer! I don't know how I feel! I don't know what to think!'

The whole time, Sniper just stared at you. Well, at your lips, actually. 'Sounds like you need comfort.' He mused.

'Yeah, just the thing that'll make me feel better.' You rolled your eyes again. You felt a sudden warmth over your hands and saw Sniper holding them in his. He was standing so close that you could feel his breath on your face.

'Ya never know.' He said, smirking. You raised an eyebrow at him as he moved his hands up your arms, until they reached your face. He placed a hand on each of your cheeks before leaning closer. His lips met yours briefly. 'Any better?' He said into the kiss.

'Not really, no.' You said, a small grin across your face. He took off his glasses, tossing then onto your bed.

'Guess I gotta try harder then.' He half growled, half whispered, and pressed his lips against yours again, harder this time. You made a very undignified noise that was a half squeal half moan. 'See? It's workin'.' He growled, lips still locked against yours. You could feel him smirk, and you couldn't help but smile too.

As soon as you did, your were lifted off the floor. You let out a little yelp as Sniper held you aloft. He pulled away from the kiss and looked up at you. 'I'll take that smile as a sign it's workin'?' You gave him a small nod, and he grinned and dropped you on your bed. You squealed as you bounced a few times, then Sniper joined you on the mattress, kissing your neck and face. 'How fast d'you wanna go?'

'Not sure...this is already pretty fast.'

'Maybe this'll help your decision.' He smirked, pulling off his shirt. Despite being tall and lanky, he was definitely buff.

'Damn.' You whispered, but he heard you and grinned. He muttered something before laying back on the bed with you and began kissing you again. You ran your hands over his chest, letting out a small sigh of happiness. You could finally think straight. And at that moment, there was only one thing on your mind.

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