Caught Up

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"Phedora!" Someone shouts my name as well as hitting me in the face with something irresistibly soft like a pillow or a cushion. My eyes squeeze before they rapidly flutter, squinting at the person before I recognize the person as Blake's nosy ass of a sister, Charlotte wearing an irritated expression on her face, which is unnecessary for her to put on this mask of a feigning opposite feeling. "What?!" I yell the question, annoyed.

"Get your lazy butt off the couch and make breakfast for my niece and nephew because today is their first day of school!" Charlotte commands and I could imagine her eyes rolling in her voice. "Nooo..." I whine and pull the covers by the hem over my body while my legs furiously kick. I then pull my head up to pick up the pillow and placing it over my head in addition to closing my eyes as I meet the darkness setting from the pillow.

"PHEDORA!" Sucking my teeth and huffing, my hand grasps onto the end of the pillow and I throw it at the corner of the room. I then sit up to take a gander at the clock that reads 6:35 in the fucking morning! All of Blake's family members are waking me up at 6:35 in the morning just to have the kids ready for school?! I don't have time for this! One more hour and then, I would be good to go. Throwing my legs over the edge of the bed, I fix the hem of my negligee before walking to the door with my hand gripping onto the knob as well as departing the bedroom to the living room to see my two children all gussied up in their clothes. Seeing my two angels getting ready for their first day of school, causing me the corners of my mouth lifting as it forms a grin while I survey on their casual habiliments before averting my eyes to Kelly's accustomed backpack that is purchased at a low price of nine dollars. Hell, I could purchase a much better backpack for her when I receive my final paycheck from working at the Estee Lauder store in Patchogue.

"Ohh, look at my two angels," I gush and clap my hands together before I begin to sense something tugging at the corners of my mouth as a smile dance on my lips as I gaze at them sprouting like a plant. Kelly and Theodore peer up at me with the expression of ecstatic plastering on their faces. "Good morning, Mommy!" The two of them harmonize and I look up to meet the aversion on my in-laws' faces.

"Uh, Phedora? What kind of outfit is that?" Charlotte scoffs as she folds her arms in front of her chest and shakes her head pejoratively. "What," I question, looking down at the negligee. "This is what I woke up in!" I gesture with my hands at my outfit. "Phedora, you really need to put on some family-friendly because what you're wearing is not so polite." Lauren shakes her head along with the waving of her fingers. I then turn to my other sister in law, Gracie nodding her head while she's doing this weird communication with her hands as well as her fingers. Now, that to me is a strange girl.

"Fine," I suck my teeth and roll my head in circles, turning to return the bedroom before I briefly remember to turn around to face them. "And tell that deaf mute to stop making movements with her hands. She can talk though, right?" I turn to return to the bedroom as I hear most of my overbearing in-laws jumping down my throat as I proceed to the bedroom. "Gracie is not deaf mute! She can communicate and you're disrespecting a person, who is unable to hear and here you are, deriding her while we're having the kids getting ready for their first day of school!" Sienna rebukes.

"Whatever!" I dismiss with a singing tone, flipping them off as well as slamming the door behind me and examining the closet on what I should wear for the day. I decide to wear a camisole, a mini denim skirt and a pair of black leggings. Midway through getting dressed, I overhear a conversation between Blake and Charlotte that really nettles me. "Blake, I don't understand why you married her! Pretty much; nobody knows why you married such an ill-mannered floozy!" Swiftly opening the door, I meet the gazes of Charlotte and Blake.

"Because he loves my Notorious V.A.G. That's why! Don't be jealous that you can't get some in your personal life!" With that, I slam the door, yet the door hits Blake's arm. He opens the door and calmly closes it shut. "The Notorious V.A.G.?! You're naming your hoo-ha after Notorious B.I.G.?!" Charlotte skeptically questions with her voice muffling behind the door. He and I struck our gaze at one another with him clenching his jaw while I fold my arms in front of my chest as well as glaring at him. His blue eyes give me a frosty look as he holds his stance with both his hands resting on each side of his hips. "Phedora, do you have a reason why you denigrate Gracie and disrespect my family members after the past four days we copulated? You know how that offends not only my family, but Gracie as well. Because Gracie is the same human with the exact emotions just like me and you and she even has a voice while she interacts with her hands." Blake justifies.

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