Day Two

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Stirring in my sleep, I sense small pecks of kisses being placed on my bare chest as my eyes flutter open to wake up to Phedora's head and her tresses softly brush on my chest to listen to the music of my heartbeat. My fingers find their way to her roots, combing down to her silky-smooth straight tresses. "Last night was fun, daddy." She giggles lightly and I lean forward to place a kiss on her head, only to pull away as I inaudibly gag at the smell of her hair. However; I consider saying nothing about her hair problem as I dwell on the coconut aroma coming from Kehlani's curly mane. I always wonder what it is that she uses in her hair to make it smell so tropical.

"I had fun last night, too, honey." I chuckle and instead of placing a kiss on her head, I place one on her forehead as well as looking over to see it is 6:57 in the morning. I get out of the bed and go to the dresser, so I can put on my briefs and some flannel pajama pants. "Where are you going, daddy?" Phedora purrs.

"I'm just going to the kitchen to make some breakfast." I tell.

"Why make breakfast when you already have some that is located between my thighs?" She swifts motion with her lying on her back as well as spreading her legs open to expose her hirsute covering womanhood. Leaning forward, I become aware of her private female region is coated with her essence.

"Looks like my naughty wife needs me to try out her new dessert," I chuckle huskily and part her folds with my fingers, leaning to her sex with the tip of my tongue gently brushing past to her bud before getting off the bed. As I savor my wife's sweet arousal juices, I close the door around the same time I hear her plead for me. Deviously snickering, I go to the bathroom to handle my business and brushing my teeth.

Subsequent to using the bathroom, I exit the bathroom to be greeted with a female voice singing along to Teena Marie's "I Need Your Lovin'" playing in the kitchen. "Good morning, baby." I look up to see my Mom smiling as she is scrambling some eggs on the pan.

"Good morning, Mom." I walk to her and lean forward to place a kiss on her cheek. I forgot to ask you about your first dy of work yesterday. How did it go?" Mom asks.

"It was enjoyable and weird at the same time because I'm working at the work place as Kehlani." I admit. Mom gives me the double look with her eyes broadening at me while her mouth is agape, forming a wide smile that is nearly covered by her hand. "Oh, my goodness! How is she and Tessa?"

"They're doing great and Tessa is just starting out in the fifth grade." I answer. "Oh, my big grandbaby!" Mom claps her hands together and I hear the sliding of the screen door closing shut, looking up at my Dad as he walks to me. "Good morning, son. How are you?"

"Good morning, Dad. I'm good and I'm thinking about making breakfast." I tell. "So, when are you going to see them again? Because it has been seven years since you left them just to be with that so-called woman in the guest room." Mom cocks her head towards our bedroom.

"I saw them when I was taking Kelly and Theo Bear to the mall for their back to school shopping. And I suggested to Kehlani that we should get some ice cream with the kids this Friday when they get off school because she has a day off on that day." I explain.

"That's good for you, Blake. You should always be present in your children's lives; equally. That wife of yours does not own you and you don't have a collar on you. You have the right to see your eldest daughter, even though you guys live in the same state, you know." Dad advises.

"Yeah, Blake. Just because you're married to that ho, doesn't mean you're cheating on your first born child. You are not that bitch's dog to her owner! I need you to see Tessa more just like you're present in Kelly and Theodore's lives. We all do, too. And I don't give a fuck what that bitch thinks!" Charlotte scoffs, rolling her eyes.

The Personal Trainer's Ex Girlfriend {Interracial Curvy Romance}Where stories live. Discover now