Chapter One

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As much as Zayn loved autumn and watching as the leaves turn different colors and fall to the ground, this time of the year brought back the horrible memories of when Liam went missing. He watched as the light breeze blew leaves away, the steam coming from his cup of tea steaming up the window, and Liam's soft snoring in the background was what he was used to these mornings.

It was around seven in the morning, Zayn had been the kind of person to sleep through the morning and wake up around one or two in the afternoon, but that changed. He finds himself awake by six and not being able to fall back asleep until later that night.

"Zayn? Why are you up so early?" Zayn turned around to see Liam sitting up on the bed rubbing his eyes, he smiled a bit before making his way over to the bed and kissing his husband on the cheek.

"Every morning you ask me the same question, and every morning I answer the same thing."

"I know, I just thought you were going to say that you had gotten up to make me breakfast or something" Liam chuckled as he watched Zayn laugh and sit on the bed in front of him.

"Nice try"

"How are you feeling?" Liam asked as he bit his bottom lip nervously, Zayn shrugging his shoulders as he took a sip of his tea. "I love you", he said when Zayn didn't really reply.

"And I love you" Zayn looked over at him before he got up again, handing his cup to Liam and making his way to the bathroom to shower.

Liam stayed in bed as he heard the water running, and the very soft hums coming from Zayn, Liam knew better than to ask Zayn how he was feeling or how he was doing because he knew he wasn't comfortable sharing that with anyone, he had become so closed off to people not wanting to let them know how he was doing, what his doctors had told him, how his treatment is going, if it's working or not. He simply didn't like talking about his illness, he felt as though people would treat him differently if he was open about it. He kept everyone out of the loop, including Liam.

Except, Liam couldn't really be mad at Zayn for it, since he himself kept from everyone how he was doing and feeling as well. No matter who asked, Liam would always avoid answering and change the subject, well, he would do that to everyone other than his doctors, they needed to know.

He just felt incredibly embarrassed about it, a 24 year old man not being able to recover from being held hostage, it seemed pathetic to him, honestly. He had been one of the strongest and toughest guys in high school and now he seemed like he was the most fragile and weak of all their friends. He wish he could change that but really, how can you go on after living such a thing?

"Liam? Are you listening to me?"

"I'm sorry, what?" Liam looked over at Zayn who was by the bathroom door, looking at him worried.

"I said that I'm going to be at Eleanor's today, did you want to come with?"

Liam hesitated for a bit, he wanted to say yes but he felt as though Zayn would judge him if he did, so instead he shook his head no.

"No, I'll stay here, read a book or clean around the house, don't really feel like going out today, if that's okay with you?"

"Yeah, of course." Zayn smiled at him before walking towards their closet as Liam stood up and made his way to the bathroom.

Zayn was kind of glad Liam had decided to stay home because its been awhile since Liam has seen him dance and Zayn doesn't think he's ready for Liam to watch him make a fool out of himself just yet.

An hour later, both Liam and Zayn had showered, gotten dressed and had finished eaten breakfast by the time Zayn said he had to get going.

"I'll call you later, okay? But do call me if you need anything" Zayn said, before pecking Liam's lips. Liam smiled and nodded before giving Zayn a hug, which he gladly returned.

Zayn was making his way out the door when Liam called out for him.

"Where are the fall decorations? I kind of want to clean up and decorate the house, since it's fall and all"

"They're in the basement, need help bringing them up?"

Liam froze for a few seconds before shaking his head, "No, I've got it, have a nice day"

"You too, I love you" Zayn said as he made his way out and closed the door behind him.

"And I love you" Liam whispered as he slowly made his way towards the basement door.

He stood in front of the door for what seemed like hours but in reality had only been a few minutes. He reached towards the door knob but the second his hand made contact with it, he started crying, pulled away and quickly made his way to his and Zayn's room.

Zayn didn't know but Liam was afraid to go down to their basement, or anyone's basement, it brought back the memories of when he spent chained to a wall down in the basement of people he did not know. So instead of doing what he had told Zayn he would, he laid in bed all day waiting for Zayn to come home.


Well, there you go.

Let's hope this isn't as bad as I feel like it was and people actually like it, so let me know what you think!

Yes, the story is named after Zayn's song but it's mostly because the song says "you'll never be alone, I'll be with you from dusk till dawn", which to me fits perfectly for this since Liam and Zayn will always be there for each other no matter what they've gone through or are going through because that's the way they are. And because I love them so much and it would be rude of me to separate them once again like I did in the first story, that would be cruel.

Again, please tell me what you think. If you have any ideas on how this sequel should go, what should happen, who should come out in it, or just what you believe might happen, because I've got it planned a bit so far but am open to suggestions as well, please let me know!

I am a uni student, meaning I am very busy with school and trying to keep my grades up, therefore I will try to update once a week, sometimes maybe even twice a week. The days for there to be updates are Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I can't guarantee for there to be more than one update a week, but I can surely try. Thank you for being understanding!

Love you guys, and thank you!

Georgina xx

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