Gather 'round the fire.

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Welcome everyone. I hope you all had fun, because tonight you will not be able to sleep. As you lay in your tents, bodies safely tucked into your sleeping bags, your minds will run wild.

I am about to tell you many a tale, are they true? Who's to say. That is up to you to decide my friends.

Some of these stories will make you cringe, while others may make you question your very own sanity. There will be gore, and horror, and even some laughs along the way. So please gather around this blazing fire, and keep your ears at full attention. We are all about to delve into much madness, here tonight.


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- Okay, so obviously you can't take most of these stories seriously. -

 Many of them are from dreams I had, whether sleeping at night or awake, staring off into space, in this odd daydream like haze. Maybe I truly am an oddly morbid person, lol.

As for a few of these stories, I would like to take some inspiration from the film's creepshow, and some of those cheesy ass horror films. Some of these stories will be so corny, you may have to facepalm yourself for reading the complete ridiculousness. Of course that doesn't mean all of them will be. Some of these have a more "creepier" vibe as well, and lack that utter hackneyed trite.

With all that being said, I will also bring up that most stories may be considered for a mature audience only. There will be violence, and gore. There will also be the possibility of drug and alcohol use. There also may also be sexual scenes and nudity. I still haven't completed this, and haven't planned out all my "campfire stories" quite yet. My brain likes to come up with some pretty macabre stuff sometimes, and as a panster its never planned out. There may be a trigger or two, so tread lightly. This is your only warning.


All characters, plots, and ideas are purely fictional. Anything you read here is from my own imagination, and should not be redistributed,  rewritten or copied elsewhere without my say, and knowledge. Any similarities between real people, and happenings is pure coincidence. 

© C.L. Muileboom


If you copy my shit, I will find you (got to love plagiarism search, it is a thing, and it works) 


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