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A cold sweat lingered down the surface of my skin. I couldn't move, my body wrapped up in a tight cocoon. I squirmed around, making it loose. I kicked my legs, and I broke free. My surroundings became faded, then everything was once again recognizable.

My eyes found the red blanket on the floor beside my bed. Stupid blanket, nearly snuggled the crap out of me. I didn't usually sleep with it wrapped around myself so tightly. I moved a lot in my sleep, so I liked to keep the covers loose. The thing I found even more weird, was the dreamless sleep. My mind ran the most wild in my slumber, and I often welcomed the visions that played back.

Still slightly dazed, I gave my arms a stretch as I looked at the time. The small black beaten up alarm clock on my bedside table read 7:13. I haven't been up this early since my freshman year of college. Which of course, I only finished half a semester of. I couldn't fall back asleep. However, I rolled over and shut my eyes.

Might as well get up, I guess.

I grabbed my phone, and was about to open my reddit app, when I noticed the notification bubble at the top of my screen. I never got text messages. Not even from my parents.

    It’s not real. None of it. Trust no one. ESCAPE.

The number had a different area code, as if I would have recognized it anyways. I just figured it was someone bored, texting randoms for kicks. That could be the only reasonable explanation. I considered replying. You know, play along, maybe it would kill some time. I decided against it though, not wanting to take it too far. Besides, I didn't even know what to say. 

I headed towards the door, and put the phone in my back pocket. Yeah, I slept in my clothes, and didn't change - shoot me. Breakfast sounded like a good distraction, so I made my way downstairs towards the kitchen.

Like a line of soldiers waiting for the General’s orders, my family stood at the foot of the stairs. What were they waiting for? The bathroom upstairs was empty. Why form such a well positioned queue? They also seemed rather miserable. Did I do something? I knew it was early for me to be up and about, but trust me when I say I'm not ill. They all  seemed rather miserable and each frown deepened, the further down the line I looked.

My mom, who stood in front, spoke up.

“You didn't see anything strange this morning did you?,”she muttered

Well of course the solitary row of relatives was a bit of an oddity, but I didn't feel like bringing it up.

“I saw the blacks of my eyelids, if that's something,” I chuckled nervously

My mom smiled, but something about it seemed veiled. She usually loved my quips. She nodded her head, and everyone standing behind her followed suit. From my father, to my siblings, to my Aunt, Uncle and cousins that were staying over for the weekend. The whole lot of them. Same empty smile. Sale nonchalant head nod.

Maybe I was still asleep. It would explain not dreaming, and waking up at the early crack of dawn. I pinched my arm, but it felt real. I pinched the other arm, thinking maybe my subconscious mind sent a message to my fingers. Telling my sleeping self, to pinch. I still felt my nails grasp onto my skin tightly though.

My stomach gave a low growl, so I figured it was about time to shut it up. I did decide to come down for breakfast anyways.

I scurried past my nutty family. They all watched me with curious eyes and followed me into the kitchen.

As I poured the milk over my generic brand of fruit loops, my dad gave me a watchful gaze. His eyes followed my hands, as I took a spoonful of multicolored goodness. He coughed into his hand, then turned towards my mother. He whispered in her ear, making her respond with a curt nod, as her eyes never left mine. I finally had enough weirdness for one day. I got up, and went back to my room.

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