My Little Emo.. She's back!

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Ok guys this is in Maskys point of view as promised!!!! and sorry about the late update...  Life happend!
*three days earlier*
Me, Jeff, and Hoodie are all running through the woods together looking for more victims when all of a sudden Hoodie stops and turns towards the park that we are running past and he is just standing there staring. So I look over to see what he's looking at....and then I see her... my little emo... Aurora.... my baby sister.. I start to call out to her but Jeff stops me his smile stretched even more then usual.
"Wait Masky let me handle this little lady!"
"Jeff don't you dare hurt her I want to take her back... she's important to me!"
"And why is that?"
"She's my little sister!" I reply, Jeff just schoghs
"whatever!" and walks toward's my beautiful baby sister with her waist length black hair that must be dyed black because the last time I saw her her hair was the same color as mine, her pale skin that her dark hair actually complements, and although I can't see her eyes right now for she is to far away and her eyes are closed I know that they are just a shade darker blue then mine
"Jeff... You better not hurt her or I'll skin you alive." I whisper to myself. I watch as he walks up to her and sits next to her,she dosn't seem to notice him until about ten minutes later when he pokes her leg, him in his human form he starts talking to her. She falls off of the play structure she was lounging on and reaches into her pocket, I don't know why but suddenly Jeff pounces on her and switchs to his actual form and punches her in the stomach. I quickly make my way over to them and gather her up in my arms "Jeff! You did it! Oh god it's so good to have my little emo back in my arms again!~" She was completly limp in my arms as I carried her back to the mansion.

*Time Skip!~*

It has already been three days and she still hasn't woken up, E.J. finally convinced me to go out and hunt with Hoodie and so I did. Which brings us to where we are now, walking around the forest killing random people. Suddenly I feel an urge to go back to the mansion and so me and Hoodie quickly make our way back to the mansion where we burst in the door. The first thing I see is Aurora lounging on the arm of the couch with a smug look on her face while BEN is in a position as if he was about to pounce on her. I quickly rush over to her and pull her into one of the biggest hugs I have ever given while spinning her around, she was quite light.Smiling wider then I have in along time although no one could see it I said. "Aurora!~ My little emo!~It's so god to see you again!~". I stopped sinning her around and look into her face and see that she lookedsick to her stomach, so I place my hand on her forehead and ask how she's feeling. "I'm fine, but I have a question I need to ask you."


"Are you mybig brother Tim?"I just nod and she smiles, which is a sight to see. She never smiles that I remember smirks sure, but smiles? Never. So of coruse itmakes me smile aswell. She hugs me back andI feel tears land on my jacket. I look down and see Aurora crying."I missed you brother, I missed you so much!"Holding her tightly to me I whisper in her ear,

"sshh my little emo I won't ever leave you again."


I hope you guys liked it!~

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