Let Me Be Your Goodnight - Part 1

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It's not like you planned this. Neither of you did. It just happened. You just happened to end up back at his place after a night out with some friends. You just happened to end up in his room, half naked, making your way towards his bed. It all just...happened before you even knew what you were doing.

*A few hours earlier *

Being in London for work, meant that you were for sure hanging out with one of your good friends, Ed Sheeran. You had worked on many songs with him in the past and you two were really close. When he heard you were going to be in town, he invited you out for some drinks to catch up. You immediately said yes and now your car is pulling up outside of the club.

You grab your clutch and get out of the car to walk inside. You find your way up to where Ed said to meet him at and you realize that he's not alone. There were a few other people around, some that you knew and some that you didn't.

"Y/N!" Ed smirks walking over to you, drinks in hands. "About time you got here!"

"My flight just landed like two hours ago. I had to shower and get changed." You laugh.

"Anyway, Here's a drink." He says handing you one of the drinks in his hands. "Oh, and let me introduce you to some friends of mine..." He says.

He goes around the booth introducing you to everyone and just as he introduces you to the last person, someone else walks in. You and Ed turn around.

"Harry, mate!" Ed smirks. "You know Y/N, right?"

"Oh, hello." Harry smiles waving to you.

"Hi." You smile back.

As part of the music industry yourself, of course, you knew who Harry was and you also have met him on several occasions. However, this is the first time that you've actually spent time around him for more than a few minutes.

Throughout the night, you and Harry were talking in the midst of the group.

"So, you guys are a break right now, right?" You ask taking a sip of your drink.

"Yeah. We're taking about a year or so break from touring and just working on some of our things." He says.

"That's cool. Are you working on anything interesting?" You smile. "I mean, you don't have to say anything if it's like a private thing. I know we barely know each other." You say quickly.

"No, it's fine." He laughs. "Um. I'm actually working on a film right now."

"Acting?" You say. "Impressive."

"Thanks and I hope you'll still say that once the film is out." He laughs.

"I'm sure I will." You smile.

"What about you? You said you were town for work." He asks.

"Oh, I'm filming a music video here for my single off my newest album. It comes out later this year, but my single should be out in a few weeks." You say.

Harry nods. "How long are you here for?" He asks.

"About a week." You say. "What about you?"

"A few weeks, we're filming here in the UK now." He says.

"That's good, right? You'll be able to see your friends and family?" You ask.

Temporary Fix (Soundtrack Series #1) -Harry Styles SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now