Tonight is on your lips and I feel like I'm locked in - Part 4

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It was the morning after the party and your head were still filled with the thoughts from the previous night. You weren't sure when or if you should bring up how you were feeling to Harry. You knew that you two would have to talk about what this meant once you were getting ready to leave, which was in just a few days.

You woke up with Harry's arms wrapped around you and he was mumbling something in his sleep. You giggled softly as you were trying to figure out what he was saying. When you couldn't take it anymore because you were afraid that you would wake him up with your laughing, you get up slowly from the bed. You grab your bag and walk into the bathroom. You shut the door and turn on the shower. After brushing your teeth, you get inside, letting the water run over you.

You were letting the water run over your face when the feeling cold air came through and hands around your waist.

"I didn't mean to wake you." You giggle.

"I wasn't awake until I heard the shower turn on and all I could think about was you naked and wet." He smirks.

You laugh turning around to face him. He smirks looking you up and down before pushing you up against the wall of the shower. His hands were on the way near your face as he kissed you. You smirk into the kiss as you wrap your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you. He moans into your lips reaching down you run his hands over you.

"Do you have to go to set today?" You ask.

"No, I'm not scheduled to film today, but I am having lunch with my sister." He says.

"Oh, well good. I'm supposed to be going shopping with a friend, so I guess it's a good thing we both have plans right?" You ask.

"Yeah, but I'll be gone for a few hours... " He whispers. "And I'll be waiting here for you to come back." He smirks.

You laugh. "I won't be gone too long, promise." You smirk.

He smirks leaning down to kiss you again.


A few hours later, you were out with your friend going shopping.

"So, how's your trip been?" She asks.

"It's been good. It was nice to get away from home." You say. "And him.."

"Do you think he finally got the last of his shit out of your house?" She asks.

"He better have. I told him that everything needed to be out by the time I came back and if it wasn't then I was donating it." You say.

"How are you doing with everything?" She asks.

"I'm... okay. There are still times when I think about what we had or ask myself what I did for him to want to cheat, but I can honestly say that these last few days I haven't really thought much about him." You say.

"A change of scenery will do that." She says.

Or a change of beds...You think to yourself.

"I know it's still sort of soon, but have you thought about just getting back in the dating scene yet?" She asks. "I mean you don't have to get in anything serious, but it would be nice to just to go out and have someone."

"Well, I've been out a few times while I've been here. I met Ed for some drinks one night and then I went to a party with him yesterday." You say.

"Did you meet anyone?" She asks.

"I did. He introduced me to one of his friends. I've met him a few times before, but it was only a passing introduction." You say.

"Is he famous too?" She gasps.

Temporary Fix (Soundtrack Series #1) -Harry Styles SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now