The Legendary Sword not Excalibur

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Sonic pov

     The next day Shadow and I went to see Tails the blacksmith (yay I found use for him in my story). We walked into his shop and he greeted us," Hey Sonic and who are you?" That's right the village doesn't know Shadow. Shadow responds," My name is Shadow, but you know me as Lancelot." "You mean the lost prince Shadow." "Yeah that's him." Tails then bows," An honor to meet you." Shadow I can tell doesn't like Tails bowing and says," Please don't bow I don't like feeling above everyone else." Tails gets up," Sorry. Anyway how can I help you?" I speak this time," We were wondering if you could make a sword out of this material," Shadow hands him the relic. "Hmm it's a very special material but I believe I can do it. It should be ready in a few hours." We thank him and walk out of the shop Shadow and I decide to stay in the town til the sword is done. I go to a food stand and while I'm waiting I hear someone call my name. I turn and see friends of mine Sally, Rouge, Cream and Cheese, Vector, and Charmy. 

Shadow pov

        We see some of Sonic's friends walk over to us. I recognized the from some of the stories Sonic told about all his friends. Sally greets Sonic," Hi Sonic it's been awhile since you've been here." "Yeah, I've been kindof busy." Rouge looks at me," So who's this fellow? A new friend?" I take this time to introduce myself," No, I'm not new here. I'm Shadow, but I go by Lancelot as a knight." Charmy then goes in complete fan mode and squeaks," Oh my wow, you're Lancelot! I can't believe I'm meeting the Lancelot." "Please call me Shadow." But, he's too busy geeking out to hear me. Vector then asks," Wait aren't you that prince that went missing about 5 years ago?" "Yep." Cream then says,"It's nice to meet you." I smile," Likewise." I then think about the sword," Hey Sonic I think the sword is ready." "Oh ok well it was nice seeing you guys again." "Same." We wave goodbye and go back to the shop. Sure enough the sword is ready, but before we go back to the castle my danger sense goes off. I tell Sonic," We need to go save your friends." "Why what's wrong?" "No time to explain, we got to move." Then, we race to save his friends from the danger they are about to get into.

Sally pov

       It was nice to meet Shadow, he's a nice guy. We walk through the village to just look around, but that was interrupted when we hear a roar. We look around and from a distance we see a dragon coming our way. We turn to run but we see wolves in the other direction. We see we have nowhere to go, so we stay in a group as the wolves and dragon close in, but we're saved by Sonic and Shadow rushing in front of us with their swords drawn. Shadow tells Sonic to deal with the dragon while he handles the wolves. So Sonic runs to the dragon but Shadow stands still for a moment, before something unexpected happens. He starts to change into a full wolf and when he's done he is a way bigger wolf than the others. He growls before charging he takes on the whole pack, and soon the wolves flee. And soon the dragon is also defeat, but not before my house is torched. Shadow changes back into a hedgehog, and Charmy is so excited," That was sooooo coool, you changed into a wolf then you fought all those other wolves awesome!!" Shadow smiles at his excitement, but looks at my house," Sorry about your house. We'll help you rebuild it, but until then you can stay at the castle." "Thanks." "No problem." We all walk to the castle, and when we get there Shadow informs the king about what happened. The king says," I'm sorry for the loss of your house, while we rebuild it you can stay here." "Thank you your majesty." "It's no problem at all." So Shadow shows us to our guest rooms and we get ready for dinner, and from what I've heard dinner in the castle is always eventful.

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