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Author Note- I'm going to do a few chapters about Shadow's time at his old home, then I'll get back to the others in Camelot. Until then, on with the 3rd pov.

Third pov

      Boredom, boredom is what Shadow felt, he's been sitting around for like an hour thinking to himself. Shadow's uncle has been constantly asking him to reveal the location of the emeralds, and every time Shadow didn't say anything to help his search. Mephilis really only harmed Shadow for not telling him once, but he realized Shadow still wouldn't talk so he doesn't so that anymore. Shadow himself really didn't care for being around anyone else, but he does talk to a few of the knights and he met some old friends from his younger years so they talk. Shadow finally gets tired of sitting around so he goes out of his room to the knights area, so he can practice sword fighting. He peeked in and saw no one was there, so he proceeded to grab a sword from the weapons area and starting attacking a dummy.

Scourge pov

     Scourge was walking to get Shadow from his room for lunch. When I open the door and don't see Shadow I start panicking a little, then I thinks to myself,' Wasn't there supposed to be guards outside of his room?' I then go to look around the castle for Shadow,  I pass by the knights training area and hear someone in there. I peek in and see Shadow practicing his sword fighting, he was so focused that he didn't realize I walked in the room, until I say," You know you're not supposed to be in here." He pauses and looks at me," I know, but you all know I was going to end up in here eventually." "True, true anyway Stripes it's lunch time and Mephilis sent me to get you." "I didn't realize I spent so much time in here," he puts down the sword he was using," come on lets go, all that practice has made me hungry." Then, we go towards the dining area for lunch.

Time skip ~I think I spend more time typing about what happens when they eat so to sum it up it was normal more questions were asked some punches were almost thrown, and so on.~

Mephilis pov

     After lunch I went to the throne room to try and find out where those emeralds were, I tried to force my nephew to talk but that didn't work, leaving me to figure it out on my own. As I sat there, I started to daydream about the time before my banishment. My brother and I were inseparable, just like Shadow and Silver are, but then our father decided even though I was older that my brother should be king. That's when I started to go against them and I remember the day when I was 19, I launched a rebellion against the castle killing my father in the process. My brother immediately took his  role as king and banished me from the kingdom, but of course he didn't account for me gaining supporters, which lead to the downfall of this once happy kingdom.

    I however do sometime wish my brother was still alive, but what's done is done. I snapped out of my daydream when I heard a servant come into the room. I said," And what is so important you must come see me when I am busy?" "My king, your nephew wanted to ask if he could go outside of the castle for a little while." I stare at the servant for a minute," You came to interrupt my business, just because my nephew asked to go outside. You know what, never mind, tell him he can go but stay inside the castle walls." "Yes my king." The servant hurries out of the room and I go back to looking at the map and think to myself,' Where are you emeralds hiding?'

Shadow pov

     The servant came back and told me I could go outside as long as I stayed inside castle grounds. So, I rush outside and I just look around. I was in the place that used to be a beautiful garden that Silver and I would play in when we were kids. I sigh and walk around looking at the crumbled and ruined garden and I imagine how it looked when I was younger. I smile at the memories this place brings, memories of my father and mother before they died and of a young Silver and I playing tag and hide and seek. I missed the good old days of the peaceful and cheerful kingdom we used to have.

Author Note

Sorry this chapter was short but I need sleep so I'll probably update later on in the weekend. Anyway see ya later readers.

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