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October 11th, 1958. 9:43am, The Holly Apartment.

I wake up at 9 am. Buddy is still snoring away next to me. I carefully climb out of bed, wrap myself in a blanket and wander into the kitchen. I put on some coffee on and yawn. I should make breakfast. God, I'm a terrible housewife. I was never meant to be a housewife, though. That's for Juliet. That sounded mean, but Juliet is married to a man named Russell Smith, and she's the ideal housewife. She has every meal on time, she always looks put together, and she's pregnant at the moment. I'm pretty excited to have a little niece or nephew, or both. Her chance of twins is higher than other people...obviously. Vincent is in college studying engineering. He called me last week, he has met a girl, but they're not together yet. He's planning on finishing college before he gets married. It's tough to live so far away from people that you've always been with. I'm living in New York, Vincent is at Stanford in California, and Juliet is still in Lubbock. We all took such different routes in life, it's weird to think that we shared the womb.

We have spent our entire lives together but we are so different. Vincent was always an A student. He's a whiz at math and science, but could never manage to make friends. He's a little introverted. I don't think he's ever had a serious girlfriend...just someone he had sex with in high school. On the other hand, Juliet is amazing at cooking and she's incredibly social, Hell, she met Russell right after we graduated High School. They were at a grocery store and they got to talking, and now three years later, she's married. She's friends with every other housewife on the street and they frequently have barbeques with the entire neighborhood. She was the best cheerleader on the squad. She was the captain. And then there's me, Violet. Artistically inclined, been with the same guy for seven years, and kind of famous. Of course the wife of the rockstar Buddy Holly is famous, especially since she accompanies him on tour and fills in for his drummer. It's gotten to the point where people recognize me on the street, even when Buddy isn't around. It's weird to think that millions of people know who my husband is and can identify me based off of him.

I open the fridge and ponder what's in there. Eggs, bread, peanut butter, milk, normal stuff. Freezer time. Bacon, ice, peas, corn, TV dinners, chicken, beef, and...potatoes? Why are potatoes in the freezer? I choose to ignore it. I pull the bacon out along with the eggs and bread. I pull out a pan and try to open the bacon. The phone starts ringing. I rush over to it so it doesn't wake Buddy.

"Hello?" I answer

"Vi! Vi! They're twins! Twins!" I hear Juliet's familiar voice yelling through the phone.

I instantly grin and start to hop up and down. "Oh my Gosh! Juliet! Do you know the genders?"

"No, but I hope I have little boys!" She says excitedly. I can picture the glowing grin on her face. If I look in the mirror, I'm sure I look the same, without my hair and makeup done.

"They're boys, Julie, they're boys." I tell her. I can feel it in my gut. Sometimes, I get this feeling, and I'm usually right.

"Do you really think that?" Juliet asks. I can hear it in her voice that she wants it to be true.

"I'm sure they're boys. I'm sure." I reassure her. She knows that I'm usually right about this stuff.

"I'm so excited! They're due in March! March 28th! I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet them! I can't wait!" Her voice is bursting with happiness. I love to hear her happy.

"I can't wait either! Listen, I have to finish cooking breakfast. I'll call you tomorrow! Je t'amie!"

"Je t'aime, aussi, Violette. Salut!" and with that, she hangs up the phone.

I turn around and head back into the kitchen. I put the pan on and wait for it to heat up. While I'm waiting, I grab another pan for the eggs and spray that with Pam. I don't need to be scrubbing eggs out of a pan all day.

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