Chapter One

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. c a s c a t a .

The loud piercing screams wake me up from my slumber once again. I cover my ears and feel my tears dripping down my cheeks. The screams surround me, there's no certain direction that it's coming from. It feels like it's all around me. So loud and shrilling it gives me goosebumps and I dig under my blankets. My sister always does this, always at the exact same time of night. She always lets out these dreaded screams that only I can hear. My parents take absolutely no notice to it. It doesn't bother them, only me. My cheeks are still moist as more tears come pouring down my face. I sit up and it feels like the screams are right in my face. But they're not loud anymore, they're like a whisper. The worst kind of scream. The scream of giving up.

I asked her last night, once again to stop the screams. But she doesn't, it just doesn't help. I always bring flowers to her and spend time with her just incase she screams because she's lonely. But it never takes the soft screaming and her whimpers I hear away.

I get up slowly and slip on my slippers and dressing gown before slowly and shakily walking to my door. The whisper screams getting louder again. I walk to my sisters room, pushing the key in and unlocking the door. I see her bed made, her books untouched and her makeup laid out across her dresser as it has been for the last 4 months. I slowly crept out of her room and started down stairs and into the back yard. Creeping up to the one part of the yard I've gotten very close to. The part where the grave stone of my sister is.

"Rest In Peace, Annabelle" I whispered in a low voice, letting the tears fall freely down my cheeks once again like every other night since.

I look up desperately at the sky and let out a shaky breath before slowly backing away from the tombstone of my once happy, and living, younger sister. I finally turned my back to her grave and walked inside and locked the back door before walking back up the stairs and into my room.

I took off my slippers and dressing gown before sliding back into bed under the covers that were supposed to provide such warmth, but whats the point if all you ever feel is cold and you're entirely numb...

I heard her screams again and knowing she hadn't fallen asleep. I felt the same, ever since her death I've had a case of insomnia. I sighed and a shiver passed through me before I started singing a lullaby to help her go to sleep.

"Hush little baby don't you cry..."


I woke up with sweat dripping down the side of my face and breathing deeply. I looked at the time, it had only been 2 hours since Annabelle had woke me up. The clock read 4am. I sighed and let my shoulders sag, letting my long black hair out of the messy bun I had it in and let it roll down my shoulders in messy curls. I may as well just get ready for another day in hell at school.

I slide myself out of bed grudgingly and walk over to my window, slowly running my fingers through my thick curls. I pull the curtains open but it's still almost completely black. There's a slight tinge of light coming over houses, but not enough to be able to make out any features outside other then silhouettes. I looked down to the corner of the yard that Annabelle is and I heard nothing. Not a scream nor a whisper. Complete and utter silence. I let out a small breath and turned from the window, making my way into the bathroom.

My bathroom had a cream tinge to the walls and the tiles were white with a grey look to it, the sink was completely covered in all my make up I own. I don't cake myself, but there's no point in wasting the rest of it, is there? I slowly took my clothing off and placed all of it in the dirty clothes basket. Before I stepped in the shower I dared to look at myself in the mirror. I looked up and grimaced at myself. I looked unbelievably ill and there was no denying it. My black hair was the liveliest thing about me. My usually bright blue eyes were dull and lifeless as they have been and cocaine could almost make my skin look more pale then it is. My lips were chapped and everything about me just screamed that I was in loss of sleep. I took a look down at my wrists and grimaced again. The cut scars were horrible. I have to stop...

I turned to the shower with one last look in the mirror and stepped in. I turned the water straight to warm and washed every part of me. I washed my hair and made sure I was clean and no remains of going out the back to the grave was still on my hands and feet.

After I finished I stepped out and I grabbed my dark blue towel off my towel rack and wrapped it securely around my body before walking out into my bedroom, fully aware that I am indeed dripping wet. I moped to my wardrobe, sliding it open and pulling out my black skater skirt, ripped stockings and my slayer shirt. I slipped them on and sighed, before wrapping my towel around my hair and chucking it up in a wrap on my head. I started applying my makeup which I kept completely simple. I applied thin winged eyeliner, mascara and light pinkish lip stick.

I took my hair out of the wrap and it fell down my shoulders in it's untamed curls. I brushed them out, knowing they'll dry in nice curls. I grabbed my black duffle bag, cardigan and my black doc martins and shut my door. I slowly made my way down the hall, taking a look at the hall clock. It read 6am. I took a lousy breath and walked down the straight into the kitchen and made up some coffee, and popped some bread in the toaster. As the bread was toasting, I was sipping on my coffee and watching out the window.

"Sweetheart? Couldn't sleep again?" Mum came into the kitchen rubbing her eyes. I shook my head and walked over to the toaster as the toaster popped and started applying butter. "Sweetie, did you want me to call-" I cut her off with my hard look I was sending her.

"No mum, I'm going." I said, grabbing my toast and tipping my coffee down the sink. I went to the table and put on my shoes and socks, chucked on my cardigan and grabbed my bag. I didn't bother saying bye, I'll be home in 6-8 hours anyways. I went out the door, grabbing my skateboard from the door before putting it down and setting my foot on it.

"This is going to be a long day."


"Cascata?" I heard my best friend Meadow say, tapping me on the shoulder. I turned and smiled at her. She smiled back and we started walking to our lockers, "How are you today?" She asked looking at me with a half smile.

I let out a breath before nodding, "I'm... I'm fine. I just wish she would stop." I felt a tear let itself role down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away to make sure anyone passing by would't see it. People at school can't know, that I'm silently breaking inside.

Meadow brought me into her arms and squeezed me tightly, not doing anything but whispering things in my ear to calm me down. We kept hugging and hugging and I just didn't want her to let go. I heard the bell ring and I instantly froze up. I didn't want to go to class, not one bit.

"You'll be fine Cas, if you need me just text and I'll be right there. You know that." She told me before letting go of me and backing away to her form class. "I'll see you in Maths..." She whispered before turning around and walking to her form.

I turned around also and started my slow trek to my form class. As I was walking the halls I was looking down, I don't like seeing peoples looks of pity and such. I like them to just leave it as it be. I hate there sympathetic words towards me. I feel small and pathetic and it makes me nothing but mad.

I felt myself collide into someone and I fell backwards and landed right on my back, I groaned in pain at the feeling running up my spine, I didn't open my eyes to see who exactly I ran into but as soon as I heard the voice I knew who it was.

"Smooth move midget," Atreyu scowled down at me, making his way around me, not bothering to help me up. I watched as his toned muscles flexed and his inked up arms shimmer of sweat. "Watch where you're going next time."

I nodded at him, "Yeah, I'll look where I'm going as soon as you learn some manners. Asshole." I threw him a glare before, getting up and trudging towards my form class.

"Kitty grew claws!" Atreyu's voice echoed down the hallway.


So yeah, this is the story I was talking about. It has the same thing as Beware of Roommate. You'll see.

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