Chapter Three

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. c a s c a t a .

I decided I'd make myself look nice for dinner, running up stairs and into my bedroom. I waltzed over to my wardrobe and pulled out my prettiest dress I could find. I ended up choosing a pretty black laced dress. Feeling a bit better about my appearance, I slipped into the bathroom applying minimal make-up and removing my curly hair from my bun.

I glanced at the mirror one more time, feeling happy with my final appearance. I quickly pulled on my black flats and then made my way back down stairs to help my mother prepare the table for company.

"Hey momma," I said, sending her a small smile, "Do you want any help setting the table? Your hands look pretty full with preparing dinner." I said, whilst grabbing out the cutlery and napkins anyway. I gathered she would appreciate it.

"That would be a super help sweet-pea," She paused, looking me from head to toe with a small smile on her own face, "You look beautiful Cas."

I let my grin stretch across my face and pulled my mother into a slightly awkward side hug, "Thanks momma, you do too." I said, sending her a wink. She was now wearing a light blue lace blouse with some black skinny jeans and some pretty silver sandals, she looked lovely honest.

I went to the cabinet and I gathered the placemats into my free hand and waltzed over to the table to start making it look presentable for dinner, when my mother decided to keep chatting to me whilst cooking.

"So, can you do me a favour and pretend you didn't know about the question. I told her we would ask you in front of him so you'd both find out about it at the same time." She said to me, looking extremely sheepish whilst mashing the potato for the shepherds pie. I love my momma's shepherds pie.

"What question?" I asked jokingly, sending her a wink on the sly. Her face brightened up and she laughed.

"Thank you," She said, finally popping the shepherds pie in the oven, smothered in cheese.

She looked over to the time and her eyes widened. She mustn't have realised that they would be here very soon. She quickly threw her apron off and started picking up the side dishes she made. I picked up the potato bake and garlic bread as she had picked up the steamed vegetables.

"They'll be here any time now," She said, quickly heading back into the kitchen to grab out plates and cups. As she pulled them out and popped them on the counter there was a knock at the door. I looked over to mom and she had a pleading look on her face.

"Can you please answer the door, dear?" She asked, balancing the cups on the plates. I nodded, giggling.

"Be careful woman," I said, giggling whilst walking out of the kitchen and over towards the front door.

Taking a deep breath in, I placed my fakest smile I could muster up onto my face and opened the door wide to be greeted with Sheila and Atreyu. Sheila squealed happily and pulled me into a hug.

"Oh goodness Cas, I need to come visit you more often. You're a sight for sore eyes!" She said in awe, looking me up and down, "Any how, where's your momma?" She asked, happiness shining in her eyes.

"In the kitchen," I murmured, sending her a small smile back.

She whooped before running into the house and into the kitchen screaming at my mother in happiness. I rolled my eyes at them and then opened the door wider when I noticed Atreyu hadn't stepped foot in my house yet.

Raising an eyebrow at him as he flicked through his phone silently. I looked him over quickly, taking in the v neck white t-shirt and the black ripped jeans, paired with his very Atreyu motorbike boots.

I coughed loudly, ripping his attention off his phone and looking at him expectantly, "Wow, Scat, you should go to the doctor and get that cough checked out." He said sarcastically, walking inside the house and not even sparing me a glance.

I groaned out, annoyed. This boy grinds my gears like crazy, and not in a good way.

I shut the front door, locking it to make my paranoia simmer down a tad. I followed the same footsteps as Sheila and Atreyu, seeing them already sitting at the dinner table waiting for me patiently. Well my mother and Sheila were. If Atreyu weren't around my mother and his mother I knew he'd be tapping his non-existent watch and telling me to hurry my ass up.

Slowly I had walked to my seat and sat down, and finally started listening to the conversation that was flying around the table. My mother, as soon as my butt hit the seat she stopped the conversation.

"Dig in everyone, I hope you enjoy dinner." She said happily.

"It looks awesome momma," I said, grabbing a piece of the garlic bread and some shepherds pie.

"Looks divine love, looks like I'll have to come over more often," Sheila says, sending my mother a wink.

"Yeah miss, it looks delicious." Atreyu said awkwardly, putting his two cents in like a good suck up he is.

She beamed at us all and then started eating, and then we all followed in suit. Taking a forkful of the shepherds pie I almost moaned at how delicious it was. My mother adds certain herbs and it ends up so perfect every time.

I continued happily eating, the silence around us not awkward nor tense. All you could hear was the clinking of the cutlery hitting the plates as we demolished all the food.

Feeling a slight stare, I glanced up and looked into the eyes of Atreyu, his face morphing into a smirk. I gave him a confused look before I continued eating.

Fuck he probably heard me moan over food. How embarrassing.

Suddenly Sheila started talking to me, "So, Cas darling I have quite a large favour to ask of you." She stated, looking down at her food.

I giggled, popping my cutlery down on my now empty plate, "Shoot." I said, motioning her to go on.

"Well, Atreyu," Atreyu's head popped up and his eyes widened, "has gotten into quite a bit of trouble since moving out on his own." She said, bringing her glass of wine to her lips and taking a small sip.

"Hum, yeah, I can see that happening." I said, sending her a small smile but there was an evil glint to it.

"Mom what are you doing?" Atreyu asked awkwardly.

"Shush Atreyu," She hushed him before turning back to me, "I would like to offer you to stay with him for a couple of months to settle him down a bit and keep him out of trouble. As well as keep him from getting kicked out." She said, glaring at Atreyu.

"What!" He bellowed, a look of annoyance crossing his face, "Are you fucking serious mom?!"

"Excuse me," Sheila said, raising her voice, "Do not swear at me Atreyu."

I felt like I shouldn't be witnessing this. The 'great' Atreyu being ripped from his throne for a few seconds. It was glorious.

I looked over to mom with a grin slipping on her face, and she raised her palm to her mouth so she couldn't let her giggle out.

Suddenly Atreyu looked over to me, "Don't say yes." He demanded. His eyes angry.

I put my hand to my chin, scratching it as if I was thinking, "Hum, Sheila," I said pausing for dramatic affect.

"Don't say fucking yes, Scat." He growled out under his breath.

I laughed wickedly, "Why yes Sheila, I'd love to."

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