Chapter Four

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. c a s c a t a .

It had been a about 3 days since I had agreed to move into Atreyu's apartment, and oh how pissed Atreyu was made me the happiest I could be. He actually believed he could scare me into saying no to his mother. Hell no. If this is a way for me to keep my mind off Annabelle as well as get away from her? Nothing will scare me away.

Sheila had rung me early in the morning to let me know that the spare room in his apartment had finally been cleaned out. No help from Atreyu of course, him being 100% again me moving in with him.

So here I am packing the last of my clothes I will need for the next 6-8 months. Sheila said it could vary, and to be honest, it doesn't bother me. Not even in the slightest. Closing my suitcase and zipping it up, smiling happily down it. I'm stoked to get away from here, but not all that happy about moving in with the ass-hat.

Taking my very last suitcase down the stairs and popping it in the boot of my car, I sighed happily. That's all the stuff I need. Walking back inside, I went into moms room and she was sitting on her bed painting her nails with a very concentrated face on.

"Momma, I'm heading off. I'll come visit you on the weekend." I said smiling, walking over to her and rubbing her shoulder, trying not to mess up her concentration.

"Okay sweet-pea," She said, pausing painting her nails before looking up and smiling brightly back, "Thank you for doing this for Sheila."

"Of course mom, I'm happy to help. Plus, how bad could Atreyu be, honest." I said, eating my words. I knew how bad that disaster of a human could be. I had been getting hate notes, getting pushed into lockers, and spit balls spat at me for these past 2 days. It's been crappy, I'll admit, but it's primary school bullshit.

"Still, thank you." She murmured, "Have a safe drive, and don't forget to wake up for school."

"I do that myself fine mom, don't worry. I love you mom, see you soon." I said giving her aa kiss on her head and walking to the door.

"I love you too, Cas." She said just above a whisper.

I hated leaving my mom here, but half the time she wasn't here and was at work anyway. SO in a way that in itself took away half the guilt. But part of me still pesters about it, my mother being alone in this big house, having endless memories of Annabelle just laying around.

As I was walking back down the stairs, I felt myself some what worrying about how I will be living with Atreyu. Will he threaten me even more because we're behind closed doors? Or will all be well?


Once I had reached the complex, I stepped out and smiled. This place is pretty. It was in a bit more of a hidden part of town, but still close enough to all amenities. Smiling up at the small building, I felt my nerves start up again. I have ever lived with a man before. I don't even know my father, fuck sleeping in the same house as him. Is it hard living with a man?

Breathing out, trying to calm my panic attack that I felt coming on, down. It's okay Cas, it'll be like living with mom. Except you don't have constant hugs if you need it, and the person that is there hates you, not loves you.

Slowly going up to the doors of the apartment building with my two suitcases in tow, as I got inside I was greeted with a kind man quickly before pointing out where the elevator was for me. I smiled at him and thanked him before making off towards them.

As the elevator was taking me up to the 24th floor I had to think of my approach around Atreyu. Same bitchy attitude? But I feel like I shouldn't because I have to deal with him for so long. Nice? No, definitely not, I'm no push over. Ignore him? That could be a choice. Maybe I'll just see how it goes.


Ah shit. Here goes nothing. I thought as I walk towards the bedroom with 2410 on the gold plaque. I took another deep breath before knocking on the door quickly.

"Hold on babe, I'll be back in a tic." I heard Atreyu mutter to someone else in the house.

He answered the door, shirtless with a smirk on his face, until her saw me and his smirk completely dropped off and was replaced with a scowl. "Oh it's you." Suddenly looking down and doing the buckle of his jeans.

I rolled my eyes with a disgusted look o my face, "What were you expecting? A fucking maid? And also, ew Atreyu."

He groaned annoyed at me before moving out of the way, "Welcome to the humble abode. Don't touch anything that's mine, stay out of my way. Kapeesh? Now I'm going to get back to Serena."

I slowly walked in when suddenly I saw a girl storm out of the back room with a glare on her features, "It's fucking Sarah you ass-wipe." She seethed, slapping him across the face and leaving.

"Sorry Sandra, come back!" He yelled out, groaning.

I felt a grin surfacing my face but I pushed it down. "Uh, where's my bedroom?"

He rolled his eyes at my hilarity of this moment and nodded towards a door that was next to the room that the girl ran out of. I nodded and walked towards it, still pulling along my suitcases.

"You know, I would be dicking that hot blonde if you'd have come like 3 minutes later." He said, annoyed behind me.

"I know." I said pausing and turning to look at him, "Good thing I saved you the embarrassment." Winking at him, I opened the door to my room.

"I'll have you know, the ladies love the girth more than the length." He said, smirking to himself.

"That's good, do they tell you that before or after you've had sex with them? Because if it's after, they lied."

I didn't hear another reply. As I looked around the room it was pretty nice. It wasn't a big room, relatively average sized. It had a double bed, a desk, a set of side tables and a large set of drawers. It's definitely liveable.

I threw my suitcases on the bed, and as I turned around to go get a drink I was faced by the ink that covers the bare chest of Atreyu.

"I can prove to you I can make you scream," He breathed in my face, a smirk appearing on his face again.

I shivered involuntarily before stepping back with a look of boredom across my face, "You'll have to book in advance, sorry." I said, before stepping around him and heading out of my room.

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