"What was his name, Thomas"

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Collateral Beauty AU

your POV

I invited Thomas in and said " I was watching videos of my son come watch them with me." He walked into the living room. I grabbed something out of my purse and turned to him and said " My son's name was Steven , he died of Pineal tumor, he was 2 years old. What was your son's name Thomas?" He shook his head and said nothing. I handed him the card and said what was on it. "If only we could be strangers again, what was your son's name, Thomas?" He responded with "I can't." I walked over to the TV and turned it on showing videos of me, Thomas and our son. he was laughing and saying "spin me faster daddy" he turned to the TV and stared at the TV with tears in his eyes. He watched himself play with him and spin him. "Thomas, say his name." There is a long pause. "What was his name?" "Steven." "His name was Steven." "How did he die?" "He died of pineal tumor, he was only 2 years old" I dropped the remote and walked over and hugged him and we cried. " his name was Steven, he died of pineal tumor, he was only 2 years old." Then there was a pause" My gem was only 2 years old." Then he kept repeating " his name was Steven, he died of pineal tumor, he was only 2 years old."

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