Authors who never update. Don't even get me fucking started on this one.Ok, I get it, people have LIVES. But doesn't mean you should just abruptly stop your book without notifying your readers! Its like taking a shit and then just stopping halfway and saying you're done. Liek, bitch?
Ok, so imagine your favourite author. For example, Ms_Horrendous ( if you don't who that is then what the fuck are you doing with your life). Imagine she just stopped updating. What will her reputation be? What will her followers think? She has so many followers, so many votes, reads and comments and plays a huge role model for some people. Infact, some people may think of her as a hero.so what if Senp- I mean Jakayla stopped? Same goes to all those damn authors out there that don't. Fucking. Update.
There is this author and she has a quadrology (a series of four books, like a trilogy. I made it up. Don't judge.) of romance novels. In the last chapter of the fourth book, readers are left on a cliffhanger. Ok, that's cool, I'm fine with that. BUT DOESN'T YOU LEAVE ON THE EDGE OF THE DAMN CLIFF FOR 3 YEARS! Yes, that's right, the book hasn't been udated since Dec 31, 2015! Yes, I have proof.
I know, shocking.
1.40k reads y'all! WHOOP! Also I need a name for all you lovely, lovely people out there so leave a comment and... I'll pick the best one!
Bye beauties
I love food
50 Things Only A Girl Can Relate To
Randomread the title All comic credits go to Sarah Andersen ;)